Resolution approving a Public Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement between Boulder Venture 9, LLC and the City of Milwaukee regarding construction, maintenance and access issues associated with internal streets within the former Capitol Court Shopping Center site. (Infrastructure Services Division)
This resolution approves a Public Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement between Boulder Venture 9, LLC, the developer undertaking the Capitol Court redevelopment project, and the City of Milwaukee. The project will involve construction of a new North 56th Street through the Capitol Court site. This new street will be designed to look like a public street but will be privately constructed and privately owned. The public will be allowed to use this street, along with a short section of North 59th Street within the site, under the auspices of a public access easement. In return for receiving public access rights, the City will share maintenance responsibilities for these two streets. The public access rights and the sharing of maintenance responsibilities are codified in the agreement.
Whereas, Boulder Venture 9, LLC, a developer, plans to redevelop the Capitol Court Shopping Center; and
Whereas, The project plans call for construction of a new North 56th Street through the site; and
Whereas, A short section of now private North 59th Street will connect to existing West Capitol Parkway within the site; and
Whereas, It is in the interest of both the City of Milwaukee and the developer that these two streets (i.e. North 56th Street and North 59th Street) be private with public access easements; and
Whereas, To ensure the safety of the motoring public using these streets, it would be in the public interest for the City of Milwaukee to assume certain street maintenance functions including snow plowing; and
Whereas, An agreement providing for public access to these two streets and outlining the assignment of maintenance responsibilities between the developer and the City has been prepared and is attached to the file; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee hereby approves the Public Access and Maintenance Agreement attached to the file and authorizes the appropriate City officials to execute it on the City's behalf; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to make minor, non-substantive changes in the agreement prior to its execution.
The Department of Public Works