Substitute resolution directing the Election Commission to place an advisory referendum on the withdrawal of American armed forces from Iraq on the November 7, 2006, ballot.
This resolution directs the Election Commission to place an advisory referendum relating to the withdrawal of American armed forces from Iraq on the November 7, 2006 ballot.
Whereas, The American public, including citizens of Milwaukee, were never included in an open public debate regarding the US occupation of Iraq; and
Whereas, The use of military force against Iraq was approved by the U.S. Congress in October, 2002, and possession of weapons of mass destruction was cited as a primary reason for engaging the United States Armed Forces in Iraq; and
Whereas, The United States initiated combat operations in Iraq on March 19, 2003; and
Whereas, President Bush has officially declared an end to the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; and
Whereas, Hundreds of thousands of members of the United States Armed Forces have served with honor and distinction in Iraq, and as of November 15 2005, 2,062 have been killed in combat and non-combat operations; and
Whereas, The United States military occupation of Iraq has placed significant strains on the capacity of the United States Armed Forces, including those on active duty, in the reserves and the National Guard; and
Whereas, More than $200 billion has been appropriated by Congress to fund military operations and reconstruction in Iraq, and Milwaukee residents’ share of that appropriation exceeds $270.8 million; and
Whereas, $270.8 million is approximately 25% of the City's budget and that amount could fund vital City services and City security, and is slightly less than the aggregate budgets of the Police and Fire Departments; and
Whereas, The funds spent by Milwaukee taxpayers on the war and occupation of Iraq could have provided funding for medical insurance for children, low-income housing and the Head Start program; and
Whereas, Public support for the war has fallen substantially as evidenced by polls showing that less than half of the American people support the war; and
Whereas, Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold authored a bill calling for an Iraq exit strategy, and Congresswoman Gwendolyln Moore joined more than 100 other members of Congress in voting for a House resolution on an Iraq exit strategy; and
Whereas, Communities across the United States have passed resolutions calling for an end to the conflict in Iraq, submitted referenda assessing public opinion on the occupation of Iraq, and held town hall meetings to discuss the return of troops from Iraq; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the following referendum question shall be submitted to a vote of the electors at the November 7, 2006, General Election:
“Shall the United States commence a humane, orderly, rapid and comprehensive withdrawal of United States military personnel and bases from Iraq?”
LRB 05457-2