190614, 191299, 191681, 191707, 191734
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2020 offices and positions in the City Service.
This substitute ordinance changes the offices and positions in the following departments:
Assessor’s Office, Health Department, Police Department
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 190614 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under “Health Department, Clinical Services Division”, amend footnotes “(B)” and “(JJ)” to read as follows:
“(B) To expire 12/31/20 unless the HIV Partner Services, available from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services, is extended.”
“(JJ) To expire 6/30/20 unless the Wisconsin Well Woman Program Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin - Department of Health Services, is extended.”
Under “Well Women Initiatives”, add one position of “Mammography Technologist (0.80 FTE) (X) (JJ)”.
Part 2. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 190614 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 1, 2020 - December 29, 2019):
Under the “Assessor’s Office, Real Property”, delete 26 positions of “Senior Property Appraiser (A)” and add 26 positions of “Senior Property Appraiser 4 (A)”.
Under “Auxiliary Positions”, delete one position of “Senior Property Appraiser” and add one position of “Senior Property Appraiser 4”.
Under “Police Department, Intelligence Fusion Center”, delete one position of “Crime Analyst” and add one position of “Crime and Intelligence Manager”.
Part 3. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 190614 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 5, 2020 - February 23, 2020):
Under “Health Department, Policy, Innovation and Engagement Division, Communications”, delete one position of “Health Communications Officer (X)(Y)” and add one position of “Marketing and Communications Officer (X)(Y)”.
Part 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Part 5. The provisions of Part 2 of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after Pay Period 1, 2020 (December 29, 2019).
Part 6. The provisions of Part 3 of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after Pay Period 5, 2020 (February 23, 2020).
The provisions of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.
Part 7. This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
City Clerk's Office
Chris Lee