110821 & 120698
Resolution authorizing the City to execute documents required for right-of-way acquisition and approving the plat of right-of-way required for the improvement of South Chase Avenue from East Ohio Avenue to East Lincoln Avenue, with an estimated total cost of $29,000 that is 100% funded by State/Federal Aid.
This resolution authorizes the City to execute documents required for right-of-way acquisition and approves the plat of right-of-way associated with the reconstruction of South Chase Avenue from East Ohio Avenue to East Lincoln Avenue. The total estimated cost of the right-of-way acquisition is $29,000. Federal/State grantor funds will cover 100% of the aforementioned costs.
Whereas, A project agreement has been executed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the City of Milwaukee for the reconstruction of South Chase Avenue from East Ohio Avenue to East Lincoln Avenue using Federal and State aid under the State Highway Rehabilitation Program, in accordance with Common Council Resolution File Number 110821 adopted November 2, 2011; and
Whereas, The project agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the City of Milwaukee was revised for additional funding, in accordance with Common Council Resolution File Number 120698, adopted October 16, 2012; and
Whereas, The South Chase Avenue improvement project requires real estate acquisitions of portions of parcels that lie adjacent to the project’s right-of-way within the City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, Common Council Resolution File Number 110821 allows the Commissioner of Public works to engage a consultant to undertake preliminary engineering for the improvement; and
Whereas, The City engaged the consulting firm Corre, Inc., as part of preliminary engineering, to undertake right-of-way plat preparation, appraisal, legal description, and real estate acquisition services, and Corre has begun negotiating with the owners of the subject parcels; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the plat of right-of-way required for the aforementioned project, a copy of which has been submitted to this file, is hereby approved and the City is authorized to acquire the necessary real estate interests shown on the right-of-way plat that are needed for the project; and be it
Further Resolved, that City officers, including the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, are authorized to execute documents required for the real estate acquisition, including the right-of-way acquisition and the right-of-way plat, the relocation order, and documents to acquire the real estate interests; and be it
Further Resolved, That minor revisions in the plat to meet altered and unforeseen conditions encountered during acquisition of right-of-way are hereby authorized and approved; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized to create within the Capital Improvement Fund, Grant and Aid Projects, the necessary accounts for the right-of-way acquisition and transfer to these accounts the amount required under the City accounting policy, but not to exceed a 10 percent increase of the total amounts reserved for the local share or $5,000, whichever is greater, as follows:
Infrastructure Services Division
Project I.D.2060-00-26
South Chase Avenue
East Ohio Street to East Lincoln Avenue
Grantor Share Reimbursable Paving Fund
Fund 0306
Total estimated cost for subject right-of-way acquisitions: $29,000
Previously authorized for right-of-way acquisition: $0
Current estimated cost of total project (Resolution 120698) including this resolution: $11,564,498
Original estimated cost of the total project (Resolution 110821): $10,044,760
Further Resolved, That the City is hereby authorized to approve and make payments associated with real estate acquisition for the project.
Department of Public Works
Infrastructure Services Division
Chad Chrisbaum/C. Murphy
January 23, 2018