150029, 161076, 230959, 240600
A substitute ordinance amending land use recommendations in the Menomonee Valley Area Comprehensive Plan Update, part of Milwaukee’s Overall Comprehensive Plan, for the property at 324 N. 15th Street in the 4th Aldermanic District.
This substitute ordinance amends the Menomonee Valley Area Comprehensive Plan by updating the recommended land uses for the property at 324 N. 15th Street.
Whereas, On June 2, 2015, the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee (“Common Council”) approved File No. 150029 that adopted the Menomonee Valley Area Comprehensive Plan Update (“MVP 2.0”) as an element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, The creation of the MVP 2.0 involved extensive public outreach, input and cooperation with the public and neighborhood stakeholders following the public engagement process created for the development of the City's fourteen area plans; and
Whereas, The MVP 2.0 establishes a vision for the Valley as “a thriving, modern industrial district located in the heart of Milwaukee. With a combination of legacy and new generation manufacturers, the Valley is a model urban manufacturing center providing accessible employment opportunities to surrounding neighborhood residents. With its mix of urban industrial design, prominent location, and labor force accessibility, the Menomonee Valley is a completely built out, job dense industrial hub for the southeast Wisconsin region” (page 35); and
Whereas, The MVP 2.0 presents the following vision for residential uses: “the Valley retains its historic and current manufacturing dominated uses attracted by the absence of residential uses that would otherwise conflict with the day to day industrial operations of these businesses. Residential uses are welcomed and appropriate in many areas adjacent to the Valley planning area” (page 45); and
Whereas, The MVP 2.0 details opportunities and recommendations for each district and corridor in the Menomonee Valley, including the following for the St. Paul Avenue corridor, “[r]ezone….to accommodate light industrial uses not otherwise permitted in the current IH classification“ and “[r]esidential uses are not recommended in the St. Paul corridor” (page 59); and
Whereas, The property at 324 North 15th Street, along with other properties along St. Paul Avenue, was rezoned from Industrial Heavy to Industrial Commercial in 2016 to allow light industrial uses and certain office and commercial uses while still prohibiting residential uses; and
Whereas, The building located at 324 North 15th Street, aka the Geuder, Paeschke & Frey Company Building, was granted permanent historic designation by the Common Council on October 15, 2024 as recommended by the Historic Preservation Commission on September 9, 2024; and
Whereas, It may be infeasible to use the building at 324 North 15th Street for modern manufacturing and office uses; and
Whereas, Since becoming vacant, the building has been a long-term blighting presence on the St. Paul Avenue corridor and a frequent target of vandalism and illegal activity, and rehabilitation and reuse of this building will contribute to the vibrancy of the corridor; and
Whereas, Permitting residential uses may be required to facilitate the reuse of the building and to prevent demolition of this building which may not be viable for other uses; and
Whereas, On December 13, 2016, the Common Council adopted File No. 161076, which approved an amended Update and Amendment Procedure for Comprehensive Planning governing the process for making amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and
Whereas, That procedure set forth a process whereby interested parties including the local Common Council member may request consideration of a Minor Amendment to modify an Area Plan when that modification impacts an area generally smaller than a “district” or “corridor” within the Plan; and
Whereas, Pursuant to the update and amendment procedure for comprehensive planning adopted by Common Council File No. 161076, now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Common Council approves amending the MVP 2.0 to update the land use recommendations applicable to 324 North 15th Street and that the amended MVP 2.0 shall include as an appendix a text reference that states the following:
“The recommendations related to 324 North 15th Street, located on the St. Paul Avenue corridor, within the MVP 2.0 Plan Area, have been modified by the adoption of Common Council File No. 240199. Notwithstanding other land use recommendations contained elsewhere within the Plan, if the building at 324 North 15th Street is no longer feasible for industrial, office or other commercial uses, the land uses for this building should be permitted to transition to residential uses if such a transition is required to preserve the historic structure.”; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Common Council reaffirms the vison of the Menomonee Valley as an employment center and a thriving modern industrial district and, be it
Further Resolved, That this amendment should serve as a supplement to provide further guidance and serve as the basis for decision-making by the Common Council in its consideration of matters related to the property at 324 North 15th Street and this amended land use recommendation does not alter the other existing land use policies or recommendations within the MVP 2.0 Plan Area.