Resolution relative to authorizing subaccount funding for the 2000 Capital Improvement Program - Communications and Control, for Paving Related Projects, City-Wide Telephone System Expansion and Improvements, and general Engineering and Transmission Plan Expansion, within various Aldermanic Districts.
_______________________________________________________ -Analysis-
This resolution provides for materials and labor for the Communications Capital budgeted sub-account numbers for this program. _______________________________________________________
Whereas, A program for the expansion and improvement of communications facilities during 2000 was prepared by the Communications Engineering Unit of the Buildings and Fleet Division and the Department of Public Works Administration Division within budget and management guidelines; and
Whereas, The funds required for this program were appropriated in the 2000 Capital Improvements Budget of the Buildings and Fleet Division; and
Whereas, These accounts are part of the total Buildings and Fleet Division's Communication's Unit 2000 Budget program; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized and directed to undertake the following Capital Improvement Projects; and be it
Further Resolved, That the Comptroller's Office is authorized and directed to transfer the following amounts from the Buildings and Fleet Division's budget to the subaccounts authorized for the purpose indicated; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to transfer additional funds, as required, without further Common Council authorization, the total amount of such additional funds transfer(s) shall not exceed the amount authorized in the 2000 Buildings and Fleet Division's budget
2000 Capital Improvements Program
Administration Division/Technology Support Services
2000 Funds
Project Account No. Authorized
1. Paving projects, ST270000200 $ 25,000
temporary facilities and/or permanent expansion and improvements of underground and aerial communications facilities on paving projects.
2. Telephone Systems, ST270000800 $ 50,000
City-Wide Expansion and improvement.
Expand switches with circuit cards,
test, repair and/or replace KSU's
software and services to manage
Records ($35,000)
b. Upgrade small telephone systems ($15,000)
3. General Engineering ST270000300 $ 75,000
Engineering function includes: Planning, design,
estimates, and reports related to the Capital
Improvements Program
4. Transmission Plant ST270000700 $350,000
Expansion using
Fiber Optic and/or Copper Cable
TOTAL $500,000