230641, 230952, 230971, 230973, 230978, 230979, 230984, 230985
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2024 offices and positions in the City Service.
This substitute ordinance changes the offices and positions in the following departments:
Department of Emergency Communications, Health Department (Community Health Division), Library, Department of Neighborhood Services, Police Department, Department of Public Works (Infrastructure Services Division, Operations Division, Sewer Maintenance Fund, Water Works)
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 230641 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under “Department of Emergency Communications”, delete three positions of “Emergency Communications Officer IV - Quality Assurance”, add three positions of “Emergency Communications Officer V - Quality Assurance”, delete one position of “Emergency Communications Officer IV - Training”, and add three positions of “Emergency Communications Officer V - Training”.
Under “Health Department, Community Health Division”, amend footnote (WIC) to read”,
(WIC) To expire 12/31/2024 unless the Women, Infants & Children grant is extended.
Under “Police Department”, amend footnote (S) and add footnote (DD) to read”,
(S) State Beat Patrol Grant”, To expire 12/31/2024 unless the State Beat Patrol Program Grant available from the Wisconsin Department of Justice is extended.
(DD) Domestic Violence High Risk Team (DVHRT) Grant”, Position authority to expire if grant funding is discontinued or on 12/31/2024, unless the DVHRT Grant is extended.
Under “Sensitive Crimes Division”, add one position of “Crime Analyst (0.5 FTE)(DD)”.
Part 2. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 230641 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 25, 2023 - November 26, 2023):
Under “Health Department, Community Health Division, Maternal & Child Health”, delete one position of “Doula Senior (X)(PP)(HWF)”, delete one position of “Public Health Nurse -Senior (G)(O)(X)”, and add two positions of “Doula Program Coordinator (X)(PP)(HWF)”; delete three positions of “Public Health Nurse 3 (G)(O)(X)”, delete one position of “Public Health Nurse 3 (G)(X)”, and add four positions of “Doula 3 (X)”.
Under “Women, Infants & Children”, delete three positions of “Medical Assistant (X)(WIC)”, delete five positions of “Program Assistant I (X)(M)(WIC)”, add seven positions of “WIC Client Services Assistant 3 (X)(M)(WIC)”, and add one position of “WIC Client Services Supervisor (X)(WIC)”; delete eight positions of “Dietetic Technician (X)(WIC)” and add eight positions of “Community Health Nutritionist 3 (X)(WIC)”; and delete five positions of “Nutritionist (X)(M)(WIC)” and add five positions of “Community Health Dietitian 3 (X)(M)(WIC)”.
Under “Department of Neighborhood Services, Electrical Inspection Section”, delete five positions of “Elevator Inspector 4 (X)” and add five positions of “Elevator Inspector 6 (X)”, and delete ten positions of “Electrical Inspector 4 (X)” and add ten positions of “Electrical Inspector 6 (X)”.
Under “Plumbing Inspection Section”, delete eight positions of “Plumbing Inspector 4 (X)” and add eight positions of “Plumbing Inspector 6 (X)”, and delete four positions of “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 4 (X)” and add four positions of “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 6 (X)”.
Under “Cross Connection Section”, delete fourteen positions of “Plumbing Inspector 4 (X)” and add fourteen positions of “Plumbing Inspector 6 (X)”.
Under “Auxiliary Positions”, delete two positions of “Building Construction Inspector 4 (X)” and add two positions of “Building Construction Inspector 6 (X)”.
Under “Construction Section”, delete ten positions of “Building Construction Inspector 4 (X)” and add ten positions of “Building Construction Inspector 6 (X)”, and delete two positions of “Boiler Inspector 4 (X)” and add two positions of “Boiler Inspector 6 (X)”.
Under “Condemnation Inspection Section”, delete four positions of “Building Construction Inspector 4 (X) (C)” and add four positions of “Building Construction Inspector 6 (X) (C)”.
Under “Development Center Division”, delete two positions of “Mechanical Plan Examiner III” and add two positions of “Mechanical Plan Examiner 4”; delete twelve positions of “Plan Examiner III”, add six positions of “Senior Plan Examiner 3”, and add six positions of “Plan Examiner 3”.
Under “Police Department, Information Technology Division”, delete one position of “Video Electronic Technician 4” and add one position of “Video Systems Specialist”.
Under “Department of Public Works - Infrastructure Services Division, Administration and Central Services Decision Unit, Central Drafting and Records”, delete two positions of “Engineering Drafting Technician V” and add two positions of “CADD and GIS Technician 4”, delete nine positions of “Engineering Drafting Technician IV” and add nine positions of “CADD and GIS Technician 3”, and delete ten positions of “Engineering Drafting Technician II” and add ten positions of “CADD and GIS Technician 2”.
Under “Auxiliary Positions”, delete one position of “Engineering Drafting Technician II” and add one position of “CADD and GIS Technician 2”.
Under “Department of Public Works - Infrastructure Services Division, Transportation Infrastructure Decision Unit, Major Projects”, delete one position of “Civil Engineer II” and add one position of “Civil Engineer III”.
Under “Construction Management”, delete five positions of “Public Works Inspector II (X)” and add five positions of “DOT Projects Inspector (X).
Under “Plant and Equipment”, delete four positions of “Yard Attendant” and add four positions of “FHQ Yard Attendant”.
Under “Design, Field Engineering, Programming and Estimates”, delete one position of “Engineering Technician IV” and add one position of “Civil Engineer III”, and delete one position of “Assessment Technician II” and add one position of “Engineering Technician V”.
Under “Department of Public Works - Infrastructure Services Division, Bridges and Building Decision Unit, Architectural Planning and Design Unit”, delete one position of “Facilities Project Coordinator” and add one position of “Architect III”.
Under “Drafting Services Unit”, delete one position of “Engineering Drafting Technician II” and add one position of “CADD and GIS Technician 2”.
Under “Structural Design”, delete one position of “Engineering Drafting Technician IV” and add one position of “CADD and GIS Technician 3”.
Under “Department of Public Works - Infrastructure Services Division, Transportation Operations Decision Unit, Street Lighting and Underground Conduit”, delete two positions of “Engineering Drafting Technician IV” and add two positions of “CADD and GIS Technician 3”.
Under “Department of Public Works - Sewer Maintenance Fund, Environmental Decision Unit, Flood Hazard Mitigation”, delete four positions of “Engineering Drafting Technician IV” and add four positions of “CADD and GIS Technician 3”.
Under “Sewer Design”, delete one position of “Engineering Drafting Technician V” and add one position of “CADD and GIS Technician 4”, delete two positions of “Engineering Drafting Technician IV” and add two positions of “CADD and GIS Technician 3”, and delete eight positions of “Engineering Drafting Technician II” and add eight positions of “CADD and GIS Technician 2”.
Under “Department of Public Works - Water Works, Engineering Organization, Engineering Design”, delete two positions of “Engineering Drafting Technician V” and add two positions of “CADD and GIS Technician 4”, and delete eight positions of “Engineering Drafting Technician IV” and add eight positions of “CADD and GIS Technician 3”.
Under “Department of Public Works - Operations Division, Administration Section”, add one position of “Sanitation Business Operations Manager”.
Under “Library, Administrative Services Decision Unit, Central Custodial Unit”, delete two positions of “Custodial Worker 2” and add two positions of “Custodial Worker 3”.
Part 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Part 4. The provisions of Part 2 of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after Pay Period 25, 2023 (November 26, 2023).
The provisions of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.
Part 5. This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
City Clerk's Office
Chris Lee
Technical Corrections
Chris Lee
11/16/2023, 11/28/2023