Resolution revising the method of disposition for the properties at 2144-48 and 2200 West Fond du Lac Avenue for the redevelopment of the Fondy Food Market by the Fondy Food Center, Inc. and to declare an additional property surplus for inclusion in the development, in the 7th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)
This resolution amends the disposition method of two properties for the redevelopment of the Fondy Food Market to allow for a lease with the City of Milwaukee and declares an additional property surplus to municipal needs to include it with the properties to be leased.
Whereas, In File No. 000420 adopted on July 25, 2000, the Common Council approved the disposition by the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee ("Authority") of the Fondy Food Market at 2200 West Fond du Lac Avenue and the adjacent land at 2144-48 West Fond du Lac Avenue to the Fondy Food Center, Inc. for development of a public market; and
Whereas, Fondy Food Center, Inc. has requested that it lease the property from the City of Milwaukee ("City") rather than purchasing the property from the Authority; and
Whereas, Fondy Food Center, Inc. is willing to assign to the City its rights to purchase property from the Authority and the Executive Director-Secretary of the Authority has approved such assignment; and
Whereas, Fondy Food Center, Inc. has agreed to enter into a long-term lease with the City and the City Attorney and the Commissioner of the Department of City Development ("DCD") have substantially completed lease negotiations with the prospective tenant according to the terms summarized in the Land Disposition Report, a copy of which is attached to this Common Council File; and
Whereas, The City is expected to acquire an adjacent vacant lot at 2210-24 West Fond du Lac Avenue through an In-Rem action and the Fondy Food Center, Inc. has requested that a portion of this vacant lot be included in the development; and
Whereas, The City Plan Commission has determined that these properties are surplus to municipal needs; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the properties at 2144-48, 2200 and 2210-24 West Fond du Lac Avenue are declared surplus to municipal needs and the proper City officials are authorized to execute a lease with the Fondy Food Center, Inc. upon completion of lease negotiations by the City Attorney and the Commissioner of DCD; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City is authorized to accept an assignment from Fondy Food Center, Inc. of its rights to purchase the properties at 2144-48 and 2200 West Fond du Lac Avenue and to accept title to the properties from the Authority without monetary consideration; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of the DCD, or her designee, is authorized to act as landlord for purposes of notifications under the lease and to take other actions to implement the lease according to the terms of the Land Disposition Report upon DCD approval of final site and building plans.
DCD-Real Estate