The Chair
Substitute resolution approving the final schematic design of public artwork to be incorporated into streetscape improvements constructed on East Wisconsin Avenue as part of the Milwaukee Central Business District Primary Pedestrian Corridors Development Project, and authorizing the commission of the artwork.
Funding for streetscape improvements for development of primary walking corridors in the downtown area have been provided through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation under the Federal Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) Program. These streetscape improvements include trees, shrubbery and other plantings, lighting upgrades, distinctive sidewalk and crosswalk treatments, street furnishings, public art and other pedestrian amenities. Under the public art component of the project, the Downtown Streetscape Public Art Advisory Committee has recommended approval of a schematic design for implementation of public art on a portion of the streetscape on a portion of E. Wisconsin Avenue east of N. Van Buren Street. This resolution would approve the final schematic design for the public art element of the Streetscape project, and authorizes the commission and placement of the artwork.
Whereas, The Common Council has previously approved project agreements with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) in the amount of approximately $24 million under Common Council File Numbers 981733, 990806, 021033 and 040147 for the development of primary pedestrian corridors in the Milwaukee Central Business District as part of the Federal Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) Program; and
Whereas, Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) grant funds cover eighty percent of improvement costs, with twenty percent matching funds provided by the City; and
Whereas, Streetscape improvements being implemented with the development of the primary pedestrian corridors includes trees, shrubbery and other plantings, lighting upgrades, distinctive sidewalk and crosswalk treatments, street furnishings, public art and other pedestrian amenities; and
Whereas, Approximately one to two percent of project funds have typically been set aside for the installation of public art on similar Federal projects as part of community sensitive design initiatives; and
Whereas, A Downtown Streetscape Public Art Advisory Committee comprised of representatives of Downtown business and neighborhood associations, the arts community, City of Milwaukee, WISDOT and other affected stakeholders was established to guide and oversee the development and integration of public art into the downtown streetscape; and
Whereas, Funds in the amount of $295,355 have been encumbered in the project engineering account, ST320050401, for a contract for the design and installation of a public art demonstration project on a portion of E. Wisconsin Avenue from the Milwaukee River to the North Prospect Avenue/East Mason Street intersection in conformance with the guidance and recommendations of the Streetscape Public Art Advisory Committee; and
Whereas; On March 23, 2009, the Downtown Streetscape Public Art Advisory Committee approved the final schematic design for a public art demonstration project to be implemented on a portion of E. Wisconsin Avenue east of N. Van Buren Street, and recommended approval of the schematic design and commissioning of the artwork by the City of Milwaukee as part of this project; and
Whereas; The final schematic design consists of a sequence of three interrelated photographic animations contained within five individual kiosks attached to light poles on the north side of East Wisconsin Avenue east of North Van Buren Street as defined in the artwork statement and work plan attached to this file; and
Whereas, Approval by the City of Milwaukee is required to commission the artwork defined in the final schematic design; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the final schematic design of the public art demonstration project as approved by the Downtown Streetscape Public Art Advisory Committee for integration of public art into the streetscape is hereby approved; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to commission the public artwork as approved, and to proceed to the development and installation of the artwork as part of the streetscape.
Department of Public works
Infrastructure Services Division
RWB: ns
March 27, 2009