Resolution relative to the cost participation and installation of temporary and permanent street lighting facilities in conjunction with Phase 2 Federal and State Aid mitigation construction of the Zoo Interchange Project in the 10th Aldermanic District at a total estimated cost of $97,689.96 with one hundred percent of the total cost funded by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works and Comptroller to enter into a funding agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for installation of temporary and permanent street lighting improvements in conjunction with Phase 2 Federal and State Aid mitigation construction as part of the Zoo Interchange Project in the 10th Aldermanic District. The total estimated cost of this project is $97,689.96, with one hundred percent of the total cost funded by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. This Resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to install these improvements upon execution of the agreement. This resolution also authorizes the Comptroller to establish and transfer funds to the appropriate accounts for the project.
Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is undertaking the reconstruction of the Zoo Interchange at IH 94, IH 894, and USH 45; and
Whereas, Preliminary engineering work by City of Milwaukee street lighting, traffic signals, and traffic signs staff was authorized under Common Council File Number 111184; and
Whereas, The Zoo Interchange project provides cost participation for work by the City of Milwaukee for street lighting improvements in conjunction with construction that impacts street lighting facilities under the jurisdiction of the City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, Phase 2 preliminary construction for the Zoo Interchange reconstruction project will include the proposed reconfiguration of the median islands and right turn lanes in the intersection of North Glenview Avenue and West Bluemound Road, which will impact existing street lighting facilities on North Glenview Avenue from West Hill Avenue to West Bluemound Road, West Bluemound Road from North Glenview Avenue to North Honey Creek Parkway and West Dana Court at South 84th Street and adjoining streets; and
Whereas, Temporary street lighting facilities will be installed in advance of roadway construction, permanent street lighting facilities will be installed or existing facilities relocated in conjunction with roadway alterations and temporary street lighting facilities will be removed upon completion of the roadway construction; and
Whereas, The total estimated cost of this project is $97,689.96 for the installation of temporary street lighting, installation of permanent street lighting and the removal of temporary street lighting under Phase 2 of the preliminary Zoo Interchange project; and
Whereas, One hundred percent of the participating project cost is reimbursable from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and should be earmarked for this project in the 2012 Capital Grant and Aids Projects Fund Project Number SP032120100; and
Whereas, The State cannot proceed with any project cost overruns and changes in scope of more than 5% without prior Department of Public Works approval; and
Whereas, The Department of Public Works shall notify the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee at the next scheduled meeting of any such project cost overruns and changes in scope approved by the Department of Public Works; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee recognizes that the City may be 100% liable for any such project cost overruns and changes in scope as approved by the Department of Public Works; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee recognizes that the City may be liable for any costs incurred by the State should the City decide to withdraw from the project; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works and the Comptroller are authorized to execute Local Force Contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the installation of temporary street lighting facilities, installation of permanent street lighting facilities, removal of temporary facilities and the relocation of street lighting facilities in conjunction with Phase 2 of the Zoo Interchange Preliminary construction, a copy of which is attached to this resolution, and is incorporated into this resolution as though set forth in full; and, be it
Further Resolved, That upon approval of this contract, that the Commissioner of Public Works is directed to install temporary street lighting facilities, install permanent street lighting facilities, remove temporary facilities, and the relocate street lighting facilities, in conjunction with Phase 2 of the Zoo Interchange Preliminary construction and, be it
Further Resolved, That upon approval of this contract, the City Comptroller is hereby authorized to create within the Capital Grant and Aid Projects Fund the appropriate Project Chartfield Value for this project; and transfer to these accounts the amount required under the agreement and City accounting policy, but not to exceed a ten percent increase of the total amounts reserved for the grantor's share and local share or $5,000, whichever is greater as follows:
Project I.D.-1060-36-91
Zoo Interchange - Phase 2 Street Lighting
Fund Number-0306
Project Grant Number-SP032120100
Previously Authorized for Street Lighting Improvements-$51,205.58
Current Estimated Cost of the Total Project Including this Resolution-$1,000,000.00
Original Estimated Cost of the Total Project - $1,000,000.00
Department of Public Works
Infrastructure Services Division
September 28, 2012
Zoo Interchange Phase 2 Street Lighting