Resolution approving a settlement agreement in a discrimination charge entitled Rita Anderson v. City of Milwaukee, ERD Case No. 199703555, to be paid from the City Attorney's Damages and Claims Fund Special Purpose Account. (City Atty.)
Analysis This resolution will approve a settlement agreement to be paid from the City Attorney's Damages and Claims Fund Special Purpose Account in settlement of ERD Case No. 199703555 entitled Rita Anderson v. City of Milwaukee in the amount of $6,242.56, which represents attorney's fees and costs; $15,620.94, which represents back pay; and $28,136.50 which represents payment in lieu of reinstatement and damages.
Whereas, The charging party, Rita Anderson, filed a fair employment charge with the Equal Rights Division, claiming discrimination regarding her discharge from employment; and
Whereas, The parties have agreed to settle this matter in the amount of $6,242.56, which represents attorneys fees and costs; $15,620.94, which represents back pay, less interim earnings, from which all appropriate payroll deductions will be made, including state and federal taxes, and City pension contributions; $28,136.50, which represents payment in lieu of reinstatement and damages; and
Whereas, The City Attorney recommends, and the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee deems it expeditious and just to settle this; now therefore be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue a City check in the amount of $6,242.56, payable to Murray & Cross, which represents attorney's fees and costs, and $28,136.50 payable to Ms. Rita Anderson, which represents payment in lieu of reinstatement and damages; and that these funds shall be appropriated from the Damages and Claims Fund, Special Purpose Account Fund 0001 Org 1490 Program 0001 Sub-Class S118 Account 006300; now, therefore, be it
Further Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue a City check in the amount of $15,620.94, payable to Ms. Rita Anderson, which represents back pay, less interim earnings, and from which all necessary and appropriate deductions will be made including all federal and state taxes and City pension contributions, in full and final settlement of this lawsuit, upon receipt of a release of claims, approved as to form and execution by the City Attorney, and that these funds shall be appropriated from the City Attorney's Damages and Claims Fund, Special Purpose Account Fund 0001 Org 1490 Program 0001 Sub-Class S118 Account 006300; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee approves the expenditure of funds by the proper City Officers of the specific amounts necessary to implement the settlement; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the appropriate City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute all instruments and documents and to take any other actions as may be necessary to implement the provisions of this Resolution.
City Atty.
Date: 1/11/99