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File #: 241498    Version: 0
Type: Resolution-Immediate Adoption Status: Passed
File created: 1/21/2025 In control: COMMON COUNCIL
On agenda: Final action: 1/21/2025
Effective date:    
Title: Resolution directing the proper City officials to sign-on as a co-applicant and enter into a Financial Assistance Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, for an Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant for the Kneeland Properties Infrastructure Project, in the 4th Aldermanic District.
Sponsors: ALD. BAUMAN
Attachments: 1. Award Letter - RACM.pdf, 2. Construction Specific Award Conditions.pdf, 3. Kneeland Properties Slides.pdf

                                                                            IMMEDIATE ADOPTION






22184, 221276, 231455, 231454, 230623, 230595, 241335




Resolution directing the proper City officials to sign-on as a co-applicant and enter into a Financial Assistance Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, for an Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant for the Kneeland Properties Infrastructure Project, in the 4th Aldermanic District.


This resolution directs the proper City officials to co-sign as a co-applicant with the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”) to an existing Financial Assistance Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (“EDA”), for an Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant for infrastructure improvements at the Kneeland Properties in the Menomonee Valley. The financial award was awarded to RACM in 2022 in the amount of $3,194,160. RACM approved Resolution No. 10903 on March 17, 2022 to apply, accept, and fund the EDA grant and is the land owner and the lead agent for the grant, and it will account for all grant revenues and expenditures. The City of Milwaukee is providing an $800,000 match from an amendment to TID #57 (Menomonee Valley-East Project) approved as Common Council File No. 22184 on April 18, 2023.


Whereas, The Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee ("RACM") was the lead applicant for U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration ("EDA”), Economic Adjustment Assistance funding; and


Whereas, In 2022, the EDA awarded a $3,194,160 Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant for the Kneeland Properties Infrastructure Improvement Project (EDA Investment No. 06-79-06437); and


Whereas, This grant will fund infrastructure development at the Kneeland Properties, including a public right-of-way extension, underground utilities, green infrastructure, and environmental cleanup, to make approximately 10 acres of land available for new light industrial development; and


Whereas, RACM is far along in the review and approval process with EDA and the EDA identified the need to add the City of Milwaukee (“City”) as a co-applicant to the grant to account for long-term maintenance of the public right-of-way and underground infrastructure; and


Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (“WisDOT”) granted the City a Permanent Roadway Easement allowing the right-of-way and underground utilities to cross their property at 907 West Hinman Street under Common Council File No. 221276; and 


Whereas, The EDA requires the federally-funded activity to remain within the public realm for the estimated 20-year life of the project, which requires the City to become a co-applicant with RACM, since RACM will transfer ownership of the infrastructure to the City after construction; now, therefore, be it


Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the proper City officials are directed to enter into a Financial Assistance Award from the EDA Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant for construction of the new right-of-way and infrastructure at the Kneeland Properties; and, be it


Further Resolved, That the proper City officials, or designees, are directed to execute and record a covenant of use and purpose declaring EDA's interest in said real property; and, be it


Further Resolved, That the proper City officials, or designees, are directed to prepare files and related documents to accomplish the design and construction of the project; and, be it


Further Resolved, That upon project completion, the proper City officials, or designees, are directed to execute all documents and instruments necessary to transfer ownership of the infrastructure from RACM to the City by deed, easement or dedication.



DCD:Benjamin Timm:bt
