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File #: 241714    Version:
Type: Resolution Status: In Committee
File created: 3/4/2025 In control: PUBLIC SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMITTEE
On agenda: Final action:
Effective date:    
Title: Substitute resolution authorizing the Health Department to utilize the State of Minnesota’s cooperative purchasing program to purchase medical supplies, vaccines, and pharmaceuticals.
Sponsors: THE CHAIR











Substitute resolution authorizing the Health Department to utilize the State of Minnesota’s cooperative purchasing program to purchase medical supplies, vaccines, and pharmaceuticals.



This substitute resolution authorizes the Health Department to maintain a membership in the Minnesota Multistate Contracting Alliance for Pharmacy (MMCAP Infuse). MMCAP Infuse members purchase medical supplies, vaccines, and pharmaceuticals through competitively procured contracts held by the State of Minnesota’s Department of Administration. Membership will provide discounted pricing for a range of common medications, medical supplies, and vaccines, making MHD’s services more cost-effective.



Whereas, The Health Department provides multiple clinical services at its facilities as well as immunizations and blood testing; and


Whereas, The Health Department regularly purchases medical supplies, vaccines, and pharmaceuticals to serve MHD clients and the public; and


Whereas, The State of Minnesota operates a cooperative purchasing organization, the Minnesota Multistate Contracting Alliance for Pharmacy (MMCAP Infuse), to competitively procure medications, medical supplies, vaccines, and pharmaceuticals at below-market prices for public sector organizations; and


Whereas, MMCAP Infuse issues open and competitive solicitations and awards multiple contracts for goods from which members can purchase with common pricing from all suppliers; now, therefore be it


Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Health is authorized to maintain a membership in the State of Minnesota’s MMCAP Infuse program; and, be it


Further Resolved, That the Health Department is authorized to purchase medications, medical supplies, and vaccines from suppliers under contract with MMCAP Infuse; and, be it


Further Resolved, That the Health Department will provide the City Purchasing Director an annual summary of purchases made using MMCAP Infuse contracts, including total spending volume and spending per supplier.



Health Department



Aaron Szopinski

February 26, 2025

241714 mmcap membership res