Substitute 1
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2011 offices and positions in the City Service.
This substitute ordinance changes positions in the following departments:
Department of Administration, Employes’ Retirement System, Health Department, Department of Neighborhood Services, Police Department
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 1 of ordinance File Number 100414 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under “Department of Administration-Information and Technology Management Division, Enterprise Databases”, delete one position of “GIS Developer - Project Leader”, and add one position of “Systems Analyst-Project Leader”; under “Departmental Applications Support”, delete two positions of “Systems Analyst-Sr.” and add one position of “Database Associate” and one position of “Programmer II”.
Under “Employes’ Retirement System”, “Fiscal Services”, delete one position of “ERS Financial Officer (Y)” and add one position of “ERS Chief Financial Officer (Y)”; under “Membership Services”, delete one position of “Membership Services Manager (Y)” and add one position of “Retirement Plan Manager (Y)”; under “Information Systems”, delete one position of “Network Coordinator-Senior” and add one position of “Network Administrator”.
Under “Health Department”, amend footnote “(L)” to read as follows: “To expire 07-31-12 unless the HIV Women’s Project Grant, available from the Medical College of Wisconsin, is extended” and amend footnote “(P)” to read as follows: “To expire 07-31-12 unless the Bioterrorism Focus CRI Grant is extended. Also partially funds the position of Public Health Emergency Response Planning Coordinator.”
Under “Health Department, Disease Control and Environmental Health Services Division, Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic”, delete 8 positions of “Communicable Disease Specialist (X)(F)(BBB)”, add 8 positions of “Communicable Disease Specialist (X)(F)(BBB)(DDD)” and add footnote “(DDD)” to read as follows: “To expire 06-30-12 unless the Seek, Test, Treat (STT): Addressing HIV in the Criminal Justice System Grant, available from the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Center for AIDS Intervention and Research (CAIR), is extended”; under “Disease Control and Environmental Health Services Division, Bioterrorism-CDC Public Health Preparedness Grant (A)”, delete one position of “Infectious Disease Epidemiologist (X)(Y)(A)(EE)(CC)”, add one position of “Infectious Disease Epidemiologist (X)(Y)(A)(EE)” and amend footnote “(A)” to read as follows: “To expire 07/31/12 unless the CDC Public Health Preparedness Grant is extended. Partially funds Public Health Pandemic Planning Coordinator.”
Under “Health Department, Family and Community Health Services Division, Women’s, Infant’s and Children’s Nutrition Program Grant (C)”, delete two positions of “Health Project Coordinator-WIC (X)(C)”, two positions of “Nutritionist (X)(C)”, five positions of “Dietetic Technician (X)(C)”, and one position of “Public Health Nurse (X)(G)(C)” and add one position of “Health Project Coordinator-WIC (X)(C)(Q)”, two positions of “Nutritionist (X)(C)(Q)”, six positions of “Dietetic Technician (X)(C)(Q)”, and one position of “Public Health Nurse (X)(G)(C)(Q)” and add footnote “(Q)” to read as follows: “To expire 09/30/12 unless the FIT Families (WIC) from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services, is extended.”
Under “Department of Neighborhood Services, Support Services Division, Administrative Services Section”, add one position of "Building Codes Enforcement Supervisor (X)” and one position of "Office Assistant IV"; under “Residential Inspection Division, Court Section”, add two positions of “Special Enforcement Inspector (X)”.
Under “Police Department, Administration Services Decision Unit, Safety Division”, add ten positions of “School Crossing Guard (V)” and amend footnote “(V)” to read as follows: “Position to expire 12/31/12 unless the I-94 N-S Corridor Reconstruction grant agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is extended.”
Part 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
The provisions of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after the first day of the first pay period following passage and publication.
Part 3. This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
City Clerk's Office
Technical Revision- tb- 8/1/11
Technical Correction-tb-9/20/11