Resolution directing the City Comptroller to transfer funds, and create the appropriate accounts for the proposed railroad work as part of the replacement of South 29th Street Bridge over Union Pacific Railroad Company tracks in the City of Milwaukee with 80% Federal and/or State Aid under Bridge Replacement Program.
This resolution directs the City Comptroller to transfer funds and create the necessary accounts for the railroad work as part of the replacement of South 29th Street Bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad Company tracks. A revised project agreement for the project was approved by Common Council Resolution File Number 060171 on June 20, 2006. The total railroad work for this project is estimated at $7,500, of which the City of Milwaukee’s share is $1,500 and the granter's share is $6,000. The estimated cost of the entire project is estimated to be $1,968,820 with the City's share of $392,272 and the grantor's share of $1,560,688.
Whereas, Common Council Resolution File Number 060171, adopted June 20, 2006, directed the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a revised Project Agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) for the programming and replacement of South 29th Street Bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad Company tracks; and
Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Works executed the revised Agreement and WISDOT subsequently authorized the railroad work; and
Whereas, WISDOT has informed us that Federal/State funding for this project is available for construction in 2007; and
Whereas, It is necessary to begin processing railroad issues on this project in order to meet the scheduled 2007 construction; and
Whereas, It is necessary to transfer funds and create the project accounts for the railroad work of the project; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to create within the Capital Improvement Fund, Grant and Aid Projects, the necessary Project/Grant Chartfield Values for railroad work (State Project ID 2984-11-57) and transfer to this account the amount required under the grant agreement and City Accounting Policy but not to exceed a 10 percent increase of the total amounts reserved for the grantor’s share and local share or $5,000, whichever is greater as follows:
Infrastructure Services Division
Project ID 2984-11-57
City Share Non-Assessable Paving
Account No. ST320070000
Fund 0333
Grantor’s Reimbursable Paving
Account No. SP032070100
Fund 0306
Estimated Total $7,500
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to approve and make periodic payments to the WISDOT upon receipt of invoices for the City of Milwaukee’s share of costs of the above project.
Construction is scheduled for 2007.
Previously authorized for bridge and street preliminary engineering: $361,320
Current estimated cost of the total project including this resolution: $1,968,820
Original estimated cost of the total project (Resolution Nos. 950846 and 960294): $872,000
Department of Public Works
Infrastructure Services Division
January 30, 2007
Reso Tfer Fnds fr S 29th St O-pas ~ UPRR 013007.rtf