091269, 131035, 131576
Substitute resolution directing the Department of Administration-Office of Environmental Sustainability and the Department of Public Works to evaluate and report on the feasibility of installing solar roadway technology in locations throughout the City.
This resolution directs the Department of Administration-Office of Environmental Sustainability to work with the Department of Public Works to evaluate and report on the feasibility of integrating solar technology into roadways, sidewalks, bike paths, athletic courts and other locations of impervious pavement throughout the City, for the purpose of generating electricity and improving surface function.
Whereas, On February 9, 2010, the Common Council adopted File Number 091269, expressing a commitment to promoting solar energy in the City; and
Whereas, On December 17, 2013, the Common Council adopted Resolution File Number 131035, approving and directing implementation of the City's first sustainability plan; and
Whereas, The City's sustainability plan calls on the City to reduce energy use 20% by 2020 and increase reliance on renewable energy to 25% by 2025; and
Whereas, The Department of Administration-Office of Environmental Sustainability and the Department of Public Works have been directed through Common Council File Number 131576, adopted April 2, 2014, to develop an energy independence plan for the supply of electricity, natural gas and heat to City facilities and infrastructure; and
Whereas, According to the Solar Energies Industry Association, photovoltaic system prices fell 4.2% from 2012 to 2013 and are expected to continue to decrease; and
Whereas, On May 21, 2014, the U.S. Department of Energy announced $10 million in funding for 6 new research and development projects aimed at advancing solar energy technology and making solar power more affordable; and
Whereas, New technologies in solar power, such as surface-integrated photovoltaic cells and solar-powered surface lighting modules, have emerged in recent years; and
Whereas, According to a leading solar roadway industry entrepreneur, as much as 31,000 square miles of asphalt and concrete surfaces are exposed to the sun in the continental United States, with the potential to generate as much as 13.3 trillion kilowatt-hours of solar energy, over 3 times the total energy used in the United States in 2012; and
Whereas, The development of the solar power manufacturing and installation industries has the potential to create jobs and grow the local economy; and
Whereas, The Common Council supports the development of businesses and jobs related to the "green industry"; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Department of Administration-Office of Environmental Sustainability and the Department of Public Works are directed to conduct a study of the feasibility of installing solar roadway technology in locations throughout the City, and to submit a report of its finding to the Common Council within 60 days of the adoption of this resolution; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Department of Administration-Office of Sustainability is directed to work with the Department of Public Works and other industry and consumer stakeholders to:
1. Determine the cost-effectiveness of solar roadway technology and any similar existing or potential technology.
2. Investigate ways in which other cities have implemented or promoted the manufacturing or installation of solar roadway technology.
3. Examine local regulations related to solar roadway technology, including solar permitting and site planning.
Andrew R. VanNatta