Resolution authorizing acceptance of the gift of four lannon stone benches and one engraved stone neighborhood marker from Alameda Place Neighborhood Association for placement at 6204 West Appleton Avenue, a city-owned vacant lot, in the 10th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes the City of Milwaukee, Department of City Development, to accept the donation of four lannon stone benches and one engraved stone neighborhood marker from Alameda Place Neighborhood Association. The benches and marker will be placed in three prepared areas at 6204 West Appleton Avenue, a city-owned vacant lot.
Whereas, Section 304-24, Milwaukee Code of Ordinances, regulates the receipt, appropriation and expenditure of contributions received by the City of Milwaukee (“City”); and
Whereas, Alameda Place Neighborhood Association was awarded a Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative Grant from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation and the Neighborhood Improvement Development Corporation (“NIDC”); and
Whereas, The Grant is providing funding to help improve the small, triangular city-owned vacant lot at 6204 West Appleton Avenue; and
Whereas, This lot was formerly a service station, which contaminated the soil and groundwater and became a blight to the neighborhood; and
Whereas, Residents of the Alameda Place Neighborhood have long voiced their interest in seeing the property cleaned up and restored to a positive use; and
Whereas, Since 2004, the City demolished the former service station building, assessed and remediated the soil and groundwater contamination, installed new grass, five new trees and three crushed granite seating areas; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the City of Milwaukee, Department of City Development, is authorized to graciously accept the generous donation made by Alameda Place Neighborhood Association for four lannon stone benches and one engraved stone neighborhood marker for placement at the city-owned vacant lot located at 6204 West Appleton Avenue.