An ordinance relating to the amendment of the Official Map of the City of Milwaukee.
The adoption of this ordinance will update the Official Map of the City of Milwaukee.
Whereas, The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
There is hereby added to the City of Milwaukee Code a new section to read as follows:
Section 113-32.0118 the Official Map, as mentioned and provided for in Section 113-32, is hereby amended so as to include the following additions as shown in the report on file in the City Clerk's office.
N.E. 1/4 Sec. 34, T.8N., R.21E.
Official Map Atlas Page 189 (maps 1 of 2 and 2 of 2)
1. Pedestrian Way in the block bounded by West Birch Avenue, West Sheridan Avenue, North 60th Street and North 62nd Street. The reclassification of a north-south 40-foot wide pedestrian way to Pedestrian Mall.
2. Pedestrian Way in the block south of West Custer Avenue and west of North 64th Street. The reclassification of a north-south 40-foot wide pedestrian way to Pedestrian Mall.
3. Pedestrian Mall in the block bounded by West Custer Avenue, West Sheridan Avenue, North 64th Street and North 65th Street. The dedication of land for public right-of-way purposes to be classified as Pedestrian Mall.
4. Pedestrian Mall in the block bounded by West Custer Avenue, West Sheridan Avenue, North 65th Street and North 66th Street. The dedication of land for public right-of-way purposes to be classified as Pedestrian Mall.
5. Pedestrian Mall in the block bounded by West Birch Avenue, West Sheridan Avenue, North 66th Street and North 68th Street. The dedication of land for public right-of-way purposes to be classified as Pedestrian Mall.
6. Pedestrian Mall in the block bounded by West Sheridan Avenue, West Silver Spring Drive, North 66th Street and North 68th Street. The dedication of land for public right-of-way purposes to be classified as Pedestrian Mall.
7. Area in the block bounded by West Birch Avenue, West Custer Avenue and North 67th Street. The dedication of land for public right-of-way purposes.
N.W. 1/4 Sec. 16, T.7N., R.22E.
Official Map Atlas Page 314
1. North Humboldt Boulevard (west side) at East Locust Street. The opening of additional street right-of-way to its ultimate width of 50-feet.
S.W. 1/4 Sec. 20, T.7N., R.22E.
Official Map Atlas Page 362
1. West Winnebago Street (southerly side) from West Juneau Avenue northwesterly to a point. The opening of additional street right-of-way to accommodate existing improvements.
2. West Juneau Avenue at West Winnebago Street. The opening of additional street right-of-way at the northwest corner to accommodate existing improvements.
S. W. 1/4 Sec. 28, T.7N., R.22E.
Official Map Atlas Page 396
1. East Clybourn Avenue (south side) from North Van Buren Street to North Lincoln Memorial Drive. The opening of additional street right-of-way to an ultimate width in conjunction with the Gateway development.
2. North Lincoln Memorial Drive from East Clybourn Street south to a point. The opening of a variable width street right-of-way in conjunction with the Gateway development.
3. North Harbor Drive south of East Clybourn Avenue. The opening of a variable width right-of-way in conjunction with the Gateway development.
S.E. 1/4 Sec. 25, T.7N., R.21E.
Official Map Atlas Page 401
1. Alley in the block bounded by West Clybourn Street, West St. Paul Avenue, North 28th Street and North 29th Street. The vacation of a portion of a north-south 14-foot alley.
2. Alley in the block bounded by West Clybourn Street, West St. Paul Avenue, North 28th Street and North 29th Street. The opening of an east-west 20-foot wide alley right-of-way.
N.W. 1/4 Sec. 19, T.8N., R.21E.
Official Map Atlas Page 113
1. North 115th Street (west side) south of West Good Hope Rood. The opening of additional street right-of-way to an ultimate width of 100 feet.
N.E. 1/4 Sec. 20, T.7N., R.22E.
Official Map Atlas Page 353
1. Alley in the block bounded by North Vel R. Phillips Avenue, West Vine Street, West Walnut Street and North 5th Street. The vacation of a portion of the north-south 20-foot wide alley.
S.E. 1/4 Sec. 20, T.7N., R.22E.
Official Map Atlas Page 361
1. Alley in the block bounded by North Vel R. Phillips Avenue, West Vine Street, West Walnut Street and North 5th Street. The vacation of a portion of the north-south 20-foot wide alley.
N.E. 1/4 Sec. 4, T.8N., R.21E.
Official Map Atlas Page 006
1. West Fairy Chasm Drive from West Northridge Mall Road to North 76th Street. The opening of a variable width street right-of-way.
2. West Northridge Mall Road from West Fairy Chasm Drive east and west to a point. The opening of a 56.16 foot wide street right-of-way.
S.E. 1/4 Sec. 4, T.8N., R.21E.
Official Map Atlas Page 32
1. West Allyn Street from North Granville Station Road to North 76th Street. The opening of a variable width street right-of-way.
2. West Beatrice Court from North 84th Street west to the 1/4 section line. The opening of a 56.16 foot wide street right-of-way.
3. West Fairy Chasm Drive from West Northridge Mall Road north to a point. The opening of a variable width street right-of-way.
4. North Granville Station Road from West Inland Street to North 80th Street. The opening of a 56.16 foot wide street right-of-way.
5. West Inland Street from North Granville Station Road to North 76th Street. The opening of a variable width street right-of-way.
6. West Menard Road from North 80th Street to North 84th Street. The opening of a 56.16 foot wide street right-of-way.
7. West Northridge Court from North 84th Street west to the 1/4 section line. The opening of a variable width street right-of-way.
8. West Northridge Mall Road from West Inland Street to North 84th Street. The opening of a 56.16 foot wide street right-of-way.
9. North 80th Street from West Brown Deer Road to West Menard Road. The opening of a variable width street right-of-way.
10. North 82nd Street from West Brown Deer Road to West Menard Road. The opening of a variable width street right-of-way.
11. North 84th Street from West Menard Road to West Northridge Mall Road. The opening of a variable width street right-of-way.
N.E. 1/4 Sec. 9, T.8N., R.21E.
Official Map Atlas Page 43
1. North Servite Drive at West Brown Deer Road. The opening additional street right-of-way at the southwest corner to accommodate improvements.
N.E. 1/4 Sec. 32, T.7N., R.22E.
Official Map Atlas Page 428
1. South 1st Street at East Pittsburgh Avenue. The vacation of excess street right-of-way at the southeast corner.
N.W. 1/4 Sec. 5, T.6N., R.22E.
Official Map Atlas Page 461
1. Alley in the block bounded by West Lapham Boulevard, West Historic Mitchell Street, South 9th Street and South 10th Street. The reclassification of a portion of the alley to Pedestrian Mall.
N.W. 1/4 Sec. 4, T.6N., R.22E.
Official Map Atlas Page 463
1. East Greenfield Avenue (south side) from the Union Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way to the Kinnickinnic River. The opening of additional street right-of-way to an ultimate width to accommodate improvements and turn around.
N.E. 1/4 Sec. 8, T.6N., R.22E.
Official Map Atlas Page 498
1. The North-South Freeway (west side) at West Harrison Avenue. The sale of excess State freeway right-of-way.
S.W. 1/4 Sec. 18, T.7N., R.21E.
Official Map Atlas Page 325
1. Alley in the block bounded by West Fond du Lac Avenue, West Oak Street, West North Avenue and North 24th Street. The vacation of a portion of the northwesterly-southeasterly 20-foot wide alley.
S.E. 1/4 Sec. 13, T.7N., R.21E.
Official Map Atlas Page 326
1. West Wright Street between North 32nd Street and North 33rd Street. The vacation of a portion of a 60-foot wide street.
2. North 32nd Street between West Meinecke Avenue and West Wright Street. The vacation of a portion of a 60-foot wide street.
Department of Public Works
Infrastructure Services
February 10, 2020