230639, 230775, 230984, 230985
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2024 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service.
This substitute ordinance changes the rates of pay in the following departments:
City Attorney’s Office, Department of City Development, Common Council - City Clerk, Election Commission, Health Department (Community Health Division, Environmental Health Division), Library, Department of Neighborhood Services, Police Department, Port Milwaukee, Department of Public Works (Administrative Services Division, Infrastructure Services Division, Operations Division, Sewer Maintenance Fund, Water Works)
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 230639 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under Pay Range 1EX, add footnote designation (8) to the title of “DPW Inventory and Purchasing Manager” and delete the title of “Public Works Inventory and Purchasing Manager (8)”.
Under Pay Range 1IX, add footnote designation (2) to the title of “Emergency Response Planning Director”.
Part 2. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 230639 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 25, 2023 - November 26, 2023):
Under Pay Range 1DX, delete the titles of “City Channel Manager (4)” and “Field Operations Inspection Supervisor (1)(7)”, and delete footnote (7).
Under Pay Range 1EX, add the titles of “Field Operations Inspection Manager (12)” and add new footnote (12) to read:
(12) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,836.65
Annual 73,752.90
Under Pay Range 1FX, add the title of “Election Training Manager (6)”.
Under Pay Range 1GX, delete the title of “Long Range Planning Manager (2)(9)(10)”; add the title of “WIC Client Services Supervisor (12)”; delete footnotes (2), (9), and (10); and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 1HX, add the title of “City Channel Manager (11)”.
Under Pay Range 1IX, delete the titles of “City Planning Manager (1)(4)(7)”, “Architectural Project Manager (1)(2)”, “Construction Management Engineer (1)(2)”, “Electrical Engineer - Senior (1)(2)”, “Management Civil Engineer - Senior (1)(2)”, “Management Engineer (1)(2)”, “Mechanical Engineer IV (1)(2)”, “Structural Design Manager (1)(2)”, “Traffic Engineer - Senior (1)(2)”, “Transportation Engineering Planner (1)(2)”, “Streetcar System Manager (1)(2)”, and “Survey Geospatial Manager (1)(2)”; delete footnote (7), and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 1JX, add the title of “Sanitation Business Operations Manager (9)(11)”, delete the title of “Civil Engineer V (1)(2)”, delete footnote (2), and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 1KX, delete the titles of “Plumbing Inspection Supervisor (6)” and “Public Works Coordination Manager (1)(2)”; add the titles of “Long Range Planning Manager (2)(8)”, “Architectural Project Manager (8)”, “Construction Management Engineer (8)”, “Electrical Engineer - Senior (8)”, “Management Civil Engineer - Senior (8)”, “Management Engineer (8)”, “Mechanical Engineer IV (8)”, “Structural Design Manager (8)”, “Traffic Engineer - Senior (8)”, “Transportation Engineering Planner (8)”, “Streetcar System Manager (8)”, and “Survey Geospatial Manager (8)”; and amend footnote (2) to read:
(2) An employee possessing an AICP certification to be paid an additional 3%.
Under Pay Range 1MX, delete the titles of “Building Construction Inspection Operations Manager (6)” and “Electrical Inspection Supervisor (4)”; add the titles of “Plumbing Inspection Supervisor (4)”, “Civil Engineer V (7)”, and “City Planning Manager (7)(9)”; and amend footnote (4) and add new footnote (9) to read:
(4) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,885.62
Annual 127,026.12
(9) An employee possessing an AICP certification to be paid an additional 3%.
Under Pay Range 1NX, delete the title of “Building Construction Inspection Division Manager (4)”; add the titles of “Electrical Inspection Supervisor (4)”, “Operations Manager - Development Center (4)”, and “Public Works Coordination Manager (5)”; and amend footnote (4) to read:
(4) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 5,256.27
Annual 136,663.02
Under Pay Range 1OX, add the titles of “Building Construction Inspection Operations Manager (4)” and “Permit and Development Center Manager (4)”, and add new footnote (4) to read:
(4) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 5,781.88
Annual 150,328.88
Under Pay Range 1QX, add the title of “Building Construction Inspection Division Manager (2)” and add new footnote (2) to read:
(2) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 6,360.08
Annual 165,362.08
Part 3. Part 1, Section 2 of ordinance File Number 230639 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 25, 2023 - November 26, 2023):
Under Pay Range 2DN, delete the title of “Nutritionist (7)”.
Under Pay Range 2EN, delete the titles of “Plan Examiner Specialist (4)”, “Architectural Designer I (1)(10)”, “Civil Engineer I (1)(6)”, “Electrical Engineer I (1)(6)”, and “Mechanical Engineer I (1)(6)”; delete footnotes (1) (4), (6), and (10); and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 2EX, delete the titles of “Associate Transportation Planner (2)(4)” and “Associate Planner”; delete footnotes (2), (3), and (4); and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 2FX, add the title of “Early Voting Coordinator (2)”.
Under Pay Range 2GN, delete the title of “Architectural Designer II (3)(6)”, “Civil Engineer II (3)(4)”, “Electrical Engineer II (3)(4)”, “Mechanical Engineer II (3)(4)”, “Mechanical Plan Examiner II (9)”, and “Plan Examiner II”; delete footnotes (3), (4), (6) and (9); and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 2HN, delete the titles of “Facilities Maintenance Coordinator (2)(3)” and “Facilities Construction Project Coordinator (2)(3)”; add the title of “Community Health Dietitian 1 (2)”; delete footnote (3); renumber footnotes accordingly; and amend footnote (2) to read:
(2) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,229.04
Annual 57,955.04
Under Pay Range 2IN, delete the titles of “Architect III (2)(4)”, “Facilities Project Coordinator (2)(6)”, “Civil Engineer III (2)(6)”, “Engineering Technician VI (1)”, “Electrical Engineer III (2)(6)”, “Mechanical Engineer III (2)(6)”, and “Senior Transportation Planner (2)(5)”; add the title of “Community Health Dietitian 2 (1)”; delete footnotes (4), (5), and (6); renumber footnotes accordingly; and amend footnote (1) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,385.08
Annual 62,012.08
Under Pay Range 2IX, delete the titles of “Senior Planner - Urban Design (4)(5)” and “Senior Planner (4)(5)(6)”; delete footnotes (4), (5), and (6); and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 2JN, delete the titles of “Mechanical Plan Examiner III (1)” and “Plan Examiner III (1)”; add the titles of “Architectural Designer I (1)(8)”, “Civil Engineer I (1)(9)”, “Electrical Engineer I (7)(9)”, “Mechanical Engineer I (1)(9)”, and “Community Health Dietitian 3 (10)”; amend footnote (1) and add new footnotes (7), (8), (9), and (10) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,791.38
Annual 72,575.88
(7) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,238.19
Annual 84,192.94
(8) An employee possessing a Registered Architect License to be paid an additional 3%.
(9) An employee possessing a Professional Engineer License to be paid an additional 3%.
(10) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,552.04
Annual 66,353.04
Under Pay Range 2JX, delete the titles of “Urban Design Coordinator (5)(6)” and “Principal Planner (5)(6)”, delete footnotes (5) and (6), and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 2KN, add the titles of “Architectural Designer II (6)(9)”, “Civil Engineer II (6)(10)”, “Electrical Engineer II (7)(10)”, “Mechanical Engineer II (6)(10)”, and “Engineering Technician VI (8)”; and add new footnotes (6) (7) (8) (9) and (10) to read:
(6) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,986.77
Annual 77,656.02
(7) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,464.88
Annual 90,086.88
(8) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,018.96
Annual 78,466.96
(9) An employee possessing a Registered Architect License to be paid an additional 3%.
(10) An employee possessing a Professional Engineer License to be paid an additional 3%.
Under Pay Range 2KX, delete the title of “Civil Engineer IV (1)”, add the titles of “Associate Transportation Planner (1)(5)” and “Associate Planner (1)(5)”, and amend footnote (1) and add new footnote (5) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,986.77
Annual 77,656.02
(5) An employee possessing an AICP certification to be paid an additional 3%.
Under Pay Range 2LN, add the titles of “Facilities Maintenance Coordinator (3)(4)” and “Facilities Construction Project Coordinator (3)(4)”, and add new footnotes (3) and (4) to read:
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,599.23
Annual 93,579.98
(4) An employee possessing a Professional Engineer License to be paid an additional 3%.
Under Pay Range 2MN, add the titles of “Architect III (2)(4)”, “Civil Engineer III (2)(6)”, “Electrical Engineer III (3)(6)”, “Mechanical Engineer III (2)(6)”, and “Senior Transportation Planner (2)(5); and add new footnotes (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) to read:
(2) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,573.08
Annual 92,900.08
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,746.81
Annual 97,417.06
(4) An employee possessing a Registered Architect License to be paid an additional 3%.
(5) An employee possessing an AICP certification to be paid an additional 3%.
(6) An employee possessing a Professional Engineer License to be paid an additional 3%.
Under Pay Range 2MX, add the titles of “Senior Planner - Urban Design (7)(8)” and “Senior Planner (7)(8)(9)”; and add new footnotes (7), (8), and (9) to read:
(7) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,573.08
Annual 92,900.08
(8) An employee possessing an AICP certification to be paid an additional 3%.
(9) An employee who is an APT Recognized Professional shall be paid an additional 3%.
Under Pay Range 2NX, add the titles of “Civil Engineer IV (4)”, “Urban Design Coordinator (5)(6)”, and “Principal Planner (5)(6)”; add new footnotes (4), (5), and (6) to read:
(4) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,865.23
Annual 100,495.98
(5) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,823.19
Annual 99,402.94
(6) An employee possessing an AICP certification to be paid an additional 3%.
Under Pay Range 2PX, delete the title of “Assistant City Attorney IV (3)(4)” and delete footnotes (3) and (4).
Under Pay Range 2QX, delete the title of “Assistant City Attorney V (1)(4)”, delete footnotes (1) and (4), and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 2SX, add the title of “Assistant City Attorney IV (3)” and add new footnote (3) to read:
(3) Appointment may be at any rate in the pay range at the discretion of the City Attorney.
Under Pay Range 2TX, add the title of “Assistant City Attorney V (3)” and add new footnote (3) to read:
(3) Appointment may be at any rate in the pay range at the discretion of the City Attorney.
Part 4. Part 1, Section 3 of ordinance File Number 230639 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 25, 2023 - November 26, 2023):
Under Pay Range 3DN, delete the titles of “Engineering Drafting Technician I (1)” and “Engineering Technician I (1)”, and delete footnote (1).
Under Pay Range 3FN, delete the titles of “Engineering Technician II (2)” and “Engineering Drafting Technician II (2)”, and delete footnote (2).
Under Pay Range 3HN, delete the title of “Public Works Inspector 1 (2)(3)” and delete footnotes (2) and (3).
Under Pay Range 3LN, delete the title of “Public Works Inspector II (1)(2)(3)”, add the title of “Community Health Nutritionist 1 (1)”, delete footnotes (2) and (3), renumber footnotes accordingly, and amend footnote (1) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 1,890.27
Annual 49,147.02
Under Pay Range 3MN, delete the title of “City Channel Production Specialist (5)”, add the title of “Community Health Nutritionist 2 (5)”, and amend footnote (5) to read:
(5) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 1,984.77
Annual 51,604.02
Under Pay Range 3NN, delete the titles of “Engineering Drafting Technician IV (1)”, “Engineering Technician IV (1)”, and “Sidewalk Repair Specialist (3)”; add the title of “Community Health Nutritionist 3 (1)”; delete footnote (3); renumber footnotes accordingly; and amend footnote (1) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,084.04
Annual 54,185.04
Under Pay Range 3PN, add the titles of “Engineering Technician I (2)” and “CADD and GIS Technician 1 (3)”, and add new footnotes (2) and (3) to read:
(2) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,254.15
Annual 58,607.90
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,176.85
Annual 56,598.10
Under Pay Range 3QN, add the titles of “Engineering Technician II (2)”, “Public Works Inspector I (2)(4)”, and “CADD and GIS Technician 2 (3)”; and add new footnotes (2), (3), and (4) to read:
(2) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,417.73
Annual 62,860.98
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,285.69
Annual 59,427.94
(4) Employees in this classification while assigned as the “Resident (Lead) Inspector” to a state funded project for any time during a pay period shall receive an additional eighty ($80) dollars biweekly.
Under Pay Range 3RN, delete the titles of “Video Electronic Technician 1 (5)”, “Engineering Technician V (1)”, “Engineering Drafting Technician V (1)”, and “Assessment Technician II”; delete footnotes (1) and (5); and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 3SN, delete the title of “Video Electronic Technician 2 (4)” and add the title of “City Channel Production Specialist 1 (4)”.
Under Pay Range 3TN, delete the title of “Video Electronic Technician 3”; add the titles of “Video Systems Specialist”, “City Channel Production Specialist 2”, “Engineering Technician IV (1)”, “Public Works Inspector II (1)(3)(4)”, “Sidewalk Repair Specialist (1)”, and “CADD and GIS Technician 3 (2)”; and add new footnotes (1), (2), (3), and (4) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,578.77
Annual 67,048.02
(2) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,400.00
Annual 62,400.00
(3) A Public Works Inspector II in the Infrastructure Division, who is trained and capable of performing all duties of a Water Construction Coordinator and who is assigned to perform the full range duties of a Water Construction Coordinator for time in excess of eight hours during a pay period shall receive an additional forty ($40) biweekly during that pay period. When such inspector is assigned for at least 8 hours on both the last and first work days of consecutive pay periods, he or she shall receive an additional forty ($40) dollars biweekly for one pay period. A Public Works Inspector II shall not be entitled to more than one forty ($40) dollar payment per pay period.
(4) Employees in this classification while assigned as the “Resident (Lead) Inspector” to a state funded project for any time during a pay period shall receive an additional eighty ($80) dollars biweekly.
Under Pay Range 3UN, delete the title of “Video Electronic Technician 4”; add the titles of “City Channel Production Specialist 3”, “DOT Projects Inspector (1)”, “Engineering Technician V (2)”, and “CADD and GIS Technician 4 (3)”; and add new footnotes (1), (2), and (3) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,986.77
Annual 77,656.02
(2) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,734.15
Annual 71,087.90
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,520.00
Annual 65,520.00
Part 5. Part 1, Section 5 of ordinance File Number 230639 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 25, 2023 - November 26, 2023):
Under Pay Range 5CN, delete the title of “Dietetic Technician”.
Under Pay Range 5JN, add the title of “WIC Client Services Assistant 1 (5)”.
Under Pay Range 5MN, add the title of “WIC Client Services Assistant 2 (1)”.
Under Pay Range 5NN, add the title of “WIC Client Services Assistant 3 (1)”
Part 6. Part 1, Section 7 of ordinance File Number 230639 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 25, 2023 - November 26, 2023):
Under Pay Range 7AN, delete the title of “Boiler Inspector 1 (3)”, delete footnote (3), and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 7CN, delete the title of “Building Construction Inspector 1 (4)”, delete footnote (4), and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 7DN, delete the title of “Electrical Inspector 1”.
Under Pay Range 7EN, delete the titles of “Plumbing Inspector 1 (4)”, “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 1”, “Building Construction Inspector 2 (8)”, and “Boiler Inspector 2 (3)”; add the titles of “Building Construction Inspector 1 (7)” and “Boiler Inspector 1 (3)”; delete footnote (4); and renumber footnotes accordingly.
Under Pay Range 7FN, delete the title of “Elevator Inspector 1 (1)”, add the titles of “Electrical Inspector 1 (1)” and “Plan Examiner Specialist 1 (13)”, amend footnote (1) and add new footnote (13) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,499.35
Annual 64,983.10
(13) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,740.50
Annual 71,253.00
Under Pay Range 7GN, delete the title of “Electrical Inspector 2 (2)”; add the title of “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 1 (11)”, “Boiler Inspector 2 (12)”, and “Plan Examiner Specialist 2 (13)”; and add new footnotes (11), (12), (13) to read:
(11) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,749.96
Annual 71,498.96
(12) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,757.00
Annual 71,682.00
(13) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,877.54
Annual 74,816.04
Under Pay Range 7HN, add the title of “Plumbing Inspector 1 (1)”, delete the titles of “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 2” and “Boiler Inspector 3 (1)”, and amend footnote (1) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 2,877.54
Annual 74,816.04
Under Pay Range 7IN, delete the titles of “Plumbing Inspector 2” and “Building Construction Inspector 3 (9)”; add the titles of “Elevator Inspector 1 (12)”, “Electrical Inspector 2 (13)”, “Building Construction Inspector 2 (9)”, “Boiler Inspector 3 (14)”, and “Plan Examiner 1 (15)”; and add new footnotes (12), (13), (14), and (15) to read:
(12) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,095.81
Annual 80,491.06
(13) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,155.69
Annual 82,047.94
(14) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,063.31
Annual 79,646.06
(15) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,338.92
Annual 86,811.92
Under Pay Range 7JN, delete the titles of “Elevator Inspector 2 (3)” and “Electrical Inspector 3 (5)”; add the titles of “Plumbing Inspector 2 (3)”, “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 2 (5)”, “Building Construction Inspector 3 (11)”, and “Plan Examiner 2 (12)”; amend footnotes (1), (3) and (5) and add new footnotes (11) and (12) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,216.46
Annual 83,627.96
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,453.04
Annual 89,779.04
(5) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,299.92
Annual 85,797.92
(11) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,262.38
Annual 84,821.88
(12) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,505.88
Annual 91,152.88
Under Pay Range 7KN, add the titles of “Elevator Inspector 2 (10), “Electrical Inspector 3 (11)”, “Boiler Inspector 5 (14)”, “Mechanical Plan Examiner 1 (5)”, and “Plan Examiner 3 (15)”; delete footnote designation (2) from and add footnote designation (12) to the title of “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 3”; delete footnote designation (1) from and add footnote designation (13) to the title of “Building Construction Inspector 4”; amend footnote (5) and add new footnotes (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), and (15) to read:
(5) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,836.69
Annual 99,753.94
(10) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,715.00
Annual 96,590.00
(11) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,506.31
Annual 91,164.06
(12) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,666.23
Annual 95,321.98
(13) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,425.50
Annual 89,063.00
(14) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,377.31
Annual 87,810.06
(15) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,681.15
Annual 95,709.90
Under Pay Range 7LN, add the titles of “Plumbing Inspector 4 (6)”, “Mechanical Plan Examiner 2 (6)”, “Building Construction Inspector 5 (9)”, “Boiler Inspector 6 (10)”, and “Senior Plan Examiner 1 (11)”; add footnote designation (7) to the title of “Electrical Inspector 4”; delete footnote designation (2) from and add footnote designation (8) to the title of “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 4’; amend footnote (3) and add new footnotes (6), (7), (8), (9), (10) and (11) to read:
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,127.77
Annual 107,322.02
(6) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,028.54
Annual 104,742.04
(7) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,681.62
Annual 95,722.12
(8) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,849.96
Annual 100,098.96
(9) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,596.77
Annual 93,516.02
(10) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,546.15
Annual 92,199.90
(11) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,865.23
Annual 100,495.98
Under Pay Range 7MN, delete the title of “Plumbing Inspector 4 (1)”; add the titles of “Plumbing Inspector 5 (3)”, “Mechanical Plan Examiner 3 (3)”, “Electrical Inspector 5 (4)”, “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 5 (5)”, “Building Construction Inspector 6”, and “Senior Plan Examiner 2 (6); amend footnote (2) and add new footnotes (3), (4), (5), and (6) to read:
(2) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,334.15
Annual 112,687.90
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,229.96
Annual 109,987.96
(4) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 3,865.69
Annual 100,507.94
(5) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,042.46
Annual 105,103.96
(6) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,058.50
Annual 105,521.00
Under Part I, Section 7, add new Pay Range 7NN to read:
Pay Range 7NN
Official Rate Biweekly
Wage Rate:
Hourly 47.89 65.98
Biweekly 3,831.54 5,279.00
Annual 99,620.04 137,254.00
Under Pay Range 7NN, add the titles of “Elevator Inspector 5 (1)”, “Plumbing Inspector 6 (2)”, “Mechanical Plan Examiner 4 (2)”, “Electrical Inspector 6 (3)”, “Sprinkler Construction Inspector 6 (4)”, “Senior Plan Examiner 3 (5)”; and add new footnotes (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,550.88
Annual 118,322.88
(2) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,441.46
Annual 115,477.96
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,059.00
Annual 105,534.00
(4) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,244.58
Annual 110,359.08
(5) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,261.42
Annual 110,796.92
Under Part I, Section 7, add new Pay Range 7ON to read:
Pay Range 7ON
Official Rate Biweekly
Wage Rate:
Hourly 48.67 69.28
Biweekly 3,894.23 5,542.95
Annual 101,249.98 144,116.70
Under Pay Range 7ON, add the title of “Elevator Inspector 6 (1)” and add new footnote (1) to read:
(1) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 4,778.42
Annual 124,238.92
Part 7. Part 1, Section 8 of ordinance File Number 230639 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 25, 2023 - November 26, 2023):
Under Pay Range 8DN, add the title of “FHQ Yard Attendant”.
Part 8. Part 1, Section 9 of ordinance File Number 230639 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 25, 2023 - November 26, 2023):
Under Pay Range 9PN, delete footnote designation (1) from and add footnote designation (3) to the titles “Engineering Intern” and “Transportation Operations Assistant”, and add new footnote (3) to read:
(3) Recruitment is at:
Biweekly 1,611.08
Annual 41,888.08
Part 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Part 10. The provisions of Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after Pay Period 25, 2023 (November 26, 2023).
The provisions of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.
Part 11. This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
City Clerk's Office
Chris Lee
Technical Corrections
Chris Lee
11/15/2023, 11/20/2023, 11/28/2023