Substitute 1
The Chair
Substitute resolution amending Common Council File #090441 relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Medical Assistance (MA) Outreach ForwardHealth Grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
This resolution amends Common Council File #090441 relative to apply for, accept and fund the Medical Assistance (MA) Outreach ForwardHealth Grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services. The purpose of the project is to build upon The City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) Medical Assistance Outreach Program (MA Outreach) success, and increase program staffing to improve access to and utilization of primary and preventive health care for low income individuals eligible for expanded BadgerCare Plus program services.
Whereas, Common Council File #090441 authorized the City of Milwaukee Health Department to apply for, accept and fund the Medical Assistance (MA) Outreach ForwardHealth Grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services. This grant provided for a Grantor share total of $135,000; and
Whereas, The Grantor share for this program is increased by $19,700 and extended to 12/31/10; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that application to the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services is authorized and the Health Department shall accept this grant without further approval unless the terms of the grant change as indicated in Milwaukee Code of Ordinances Section 304-81; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized to commit funds within the Project/Grant Parent of the 2010 Special Revenue-Grant and Aid Projects fund, the following amounts for the project titled Medical Assistance (MA) Outreach ForwardHealth Grant:
Project/Grant GR0001000000
Fund 0150
Org 9990
Program 0001
Budget Year 0000
Subclass R999
Account 000600
Project Grantor Share
Amount $19,700
Further Resolved, That all standard resolved clauses articulated in Common Council file #090441 remain applicable.
Further Resolved, That the Common Council directs that the 2010 Positions Ordinance C.C. File Number 090458, should be amended as follows:
Health Department
Amend footnote (HHH) as follows:
To expire 12/31/10 unless the Medical Assistance (MA) Outreach ForwardHealth Grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services is extended. Partially funds one position of Public Health Educator II.
MA Outreach ForwardHealth RESOLUTION 09-10-Amendment