Resolution approving a three-year priority listing of projects in the City of Milwaukee eligible for State and/or Federal funding assistance under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century and authorizing the City Engineer to request inclusion of these projects in the 2004-2006 Transportation Improvement Program for the Milwaukee Urbanized Area. (Infrastructure Service Division)
This resolution approves a three-year priority listing of projects in the City of Milwaukee eligible for State and/or Federal funding assistance under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century and authorizes the City Engineer to request inclusion of these projects in the 2004-2006 Transportation Improvement Program for the Milwaukee Urbanized Area.
Whereas, The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA21) provides funding assistance for the improvements for transportation related projects; and
Whereas, The TEA21 requires a long-range transportation plan which provides for the development of transportation facilities that will function as an intermodal State transportation system; and
Whereas, All transportation projects proposed for funding under provisions of TEA21 must be included in a Federally approved State transportation improvement program as well as be consistent with the local metropolitan planning Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and
Whereas, The TIP must be developed as a multi-year program and include a priority list of projects to be carried out in the TIP; and
Whereas, Proposed improvement projects to be included in the TIP must be selected in accordance with specific funding programs, such as, the National Highway System, the Surface Transportation Program, the Transportation Enhancement Program, the Statewide Multi-Modal Improvement Program, the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, the Bridge Replacement Program, Highway Safety Programs and Federal Transit Act Programs; and
Whereas, Information on project scheduling and funding sources must be provided by local agencies to Metropolitan Planning Organization officials for each project or group of like projects that are requested for inclusion in the TIP; and
Whereas, A three-year priority listing of "State and/or Federally Aided Street Improvements" has been prepared for inclusion in the 2004-2006 Transportation Improvement Program; and
Whereas, The availability of Federal funds under the National Highway System (NHS), Bridge Replacement, Congestion Mitigation and Air/Quality Program, Statewide Multi-Modal Improvement Program, Transportation Enhancement and Safety Programs is indeterminate, therefore, the projects listed for funding under these programs have been included to make full use of all funds which may become available, even though sufficient funds may not be available to undertake all the projects; and
Whereas, The City's Surface Transportation Program (STP) proposal is based upon anticipated city entitlement and changes in this program may be necessary; and
Whereas, All projects included in the three-year program are contingent upon future Common Council approval of each project prior to proceeding with these projects; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the three-year priority listing of "State and/or Federal Aided Street Improvements" in the City of Milwaukee attached to the file and incorporated in this resolution as though set forth in full is hereby approved;
and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to request inclusion of the projects included in the priority listing in the 2004-2006 Transportation Improvement Program for the Milwaukee Urbanized Area.
Public Works Department
Infrastructure Services Division