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File #: 080846    Version: 0
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 10/7/2008 In control: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE
On agenda: Final action: 10/29/2008
Effective date:    
Title: Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a project agreement titled “Cost Sharing Agreement Between the City of Milwaukee and the City of Mequon” for the cost sharing of the preliminary engineering and construction for the replacement of the West County Line Road structure over the Little Menomonee River and to fund preliminary engineering for the structure with a total estimated cost of $125,000, of which the City’s share is $62,500 and Mequon’s share is $62,500.
Sponsors: THE CHAIR
Attachments: 1. Cover Letter, 2. Fiscal Note, 3. Agreement, 4. Comptroller's Certification, 5. Hearing notice list, 6. Fiscal Analysis









Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a project agreement titled “Cost Sharing Agreement Between the City of Milwaukee and the City of Mequon” for the cost sharing of the preliminary engineering and construction for the replacement of the West County Line Road structure over the Little Menomonee River and to fund preliminary engineering for the structure with a total estimated cost of $125,000, of which the City’s share is $62,500 and Mequon’s share is $62,500.


This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a project agreement with the City of Mequon for funding the preliminary engineering and construction for the replacement of the West County Line Road structure over the Little Menomonee River. This resolution also directs the City Comptroller to transfer funds and establish project/grant chartfield values for the preliminary engineering for this project.  The estimated total cost for the project is $725,000 of which the City’s share is $362,500 and Mequon’s share is $362,500.  The estimated total preliminary engineering and real estate cost for the project is $125,000, of which the City’s share is $62,500 and Mequon’s share is $62,500.  Construction funding will be requested in a future resolution. 


Whereas, The culvert on County Line Road over the Little Menomonee River was constructed in 1917 and is in need of replacement as a result of advanced structural deterioration; and


Whereas, The culvert replacement is included in the Department of Public Works Capital Bridge Program; and


Whereas, The City’s of Milwaukee and Mequon share jurisdictional ownership of the culvert and will share the preliminary engineering and construction costs at a 50/50 share; and


Whereas, The City of Milwaukee will be the lead agency of the project design and construction; and


Whereas, The City of Mequon Common Council adopted Resolution 2815 authorizing signing of the proposed Cost Sharing Agreement with the City of Milwaukee and funding their share of the preliminary engineering; and


Whereas, The Department of Public Works shall notify the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee of any such cost overruns and/or changes in scope approved by the Department of Public Works; and


Whereas, This project is programmed for construction starting in 2010; and


Whereas, Funding for the construction phase of the project will be included in a future resolution; now, therefore, be it


Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute the project agreement titled “Cost Sharing Agreement Between the City of Milwaukee and the City of Mequon” for the cost sharing of the preliminary engineering and construction for the replacement of the West County Line Road structure over the Little Menomonee River, copies of which are attached to Common Council Resolution File Number 080846, and are incorporated by reference as though set forth in full: and, be it


Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to undertake, or to engage a consultant to undertake, preliminary engineering for the replacement of the structure and to bill the City of Mequon for preliminary engineering costs they incur for the improvement; and, be it


Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized to create within the Capital Improvement Fund, Grant and Aid Projects, the necessary Project/Grant Chartfield values for preliminary engineering for the project and transfer the amount required under the agreement and City Accounting Policy but not to exceed a 10 percent increase of the total amount for the grantor’s share and local share or $5,000, whichever is greater, as follows:


Infrastructure Services Division Accounts


West County Line Road Structure

over the Little Menomonee River


City Share Non-Assessable Fund, Structure 


Fund 0303



Grantor Reimbursable Fund, Structure


Fund 0306



Previously authorized for preliminary engineering (structure): 0

Current estimated costs of the total project including this resolution: $725,000

Original estimated costs of the total project: $725,000


Department of Public Works


Infrastructure Services Division


September 25, 2008