Resolution approving construction of nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City construction cost estimated to $4,213,247 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $5,208,247.
This resolution directs the installation and construction of certain public improvements which have been determined to be nonassessable by the Commissioner of Public Works. The City cost of the projects approved by this resolution is estimated to be $4,213,247 The total estimated cost of these projects is $5,208,247.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee adopted preliminary resolutions determining it necessary and in the public interest to construct nonassessable improvements; and
Whereas, Plans, specifications and cost estimates have been prepared for the following described improvements:
5th Aldermanic District
W. Burleigh St. - 50’ west of Burleigh St. Bridge to east side of W. Burleigh St. Bridge (SM495180092) Relaying storm sewer.
(Nonassessable Sewer Maintenance Relay Fund -- $38,000). The total estimated cost of this project including the requested amount is $48,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
N. 78th St. - W. Burleigh St. to W. Auer Ave. (WT410190680) File Number 171854: Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $1,000; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 - $139,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $155,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
N. 79th St. - W. Auer Ave. to W. Lisbon Ave. (WT410190681) File Number 171854: Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $1,000; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 - $199,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $215,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
6th Aldermanic District
W. Capitol Dr. - N. 1st St. to N. 2nd St. (WT410190671) File Number 171854: Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $0; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 - $75,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $90,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
8th Aldermanic District
W. Lincoln Ave. - S. 43rd St. and S. 27th St. (ST320160201) (2110-00-02) File Number 151280: Two Local Street Intersections. Monotube - mast arms installation.
Grantor Non-Reimbursable Paving Fund -- $295,912
Grantor Reimbursable Paving Fund -- $62,142
City Share Non-assessable Paving Fund - $114,193
These funds are to be transferred to the construction account (ST3201602XX) (2110-00-72)
Previously authorized for project construction: $0.00
Current estimated cost of total project including this resolution: $652,247
Original estimated cost of the project: (File Number 151280): $577,838
This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
9th Aldermanic District
N. Edgeworth Dr. - N. Highview Dr. to W. Luebbe Ln. (WT410180687) File Number 170019: Relaying water main.(Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $0;
Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 -- $480,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $510,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
W. Brentwood Ave. - 40’ north of W. Mill Rd. to N. 78th St. (WT410180653) File Number 170019: Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $3,000; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 - $142,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $160,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
N. 57th St. - N. Edgeworth Dr. to W. Luebbe Ln. (WT410180686) File Number 170019 Relaying water main.(Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -$3,000; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 -- $197,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $220,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
11th Aldermanic District
S. 86th St. - W. Morgan Ave. to 275’ south of W. Wilbur Ave. (WT410190688) File Number 171854: Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $2,000; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 -- $433,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $465,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
S. 88th St. - W. Morgan Ave. to W. Crawford Ave. (WT410190686) File Number 171854: Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $0;
Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 -- $515,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $550,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
S. 89th St. - W. Warnimont Ave. to W. Crawford Ave. (WT410190685) File Number 171854: Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $2,000; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 - $348,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $375,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
S. 90th St. -- W. Wilbur Ave. to W. Crawford Ave. (WT410190684) File Number 171854: Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $1,000; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 -- $184,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $200,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
S. 91st St. - W. Wilbur Ave. to W. Crawford Ave. (WT410190683) File Number 171854: Relaying water main.(Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $0; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 -- $175,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $190,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
City Wide
Crack filling of various streets by contract (ST211180169) File Number 171479: (Nonassessable Reconstruction Paving Fund -- $50,000 additional funds). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $600,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2018-19 construction season.
2019 Sanitary Manhole Inspections (SM494190001) (Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Fund -- $188,000). This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
2019 Sanitary Manhole Rehabilitation (SM494190002) (Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Fund -- $535,000). The total estimated cost of this project including the requested amount is $550,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
2019 Sewer Structure Inspections (SM495190004) (Nonassessable Sewer Maintenance Relay Fund -- $30,000). The total estimated cost of this project including the requested amount is $40,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized and directed to proceed with said work; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Department of Public Works is authorized to use the funding as specified in the above description of work; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized to transfer such funds which are available for this purpose to the appropriate capital Project/Grant accounts.
Infrastructure Services Division
Mary Dziewiontkoski/dl
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