Resolution authorizing settlement of race discrimination charge entitled Travis J. Guy v. FPC, EEOC Charge No. 260941199, ERD Case No. 199453755. (City Attorney)
This resolution authorizes settlement of EEOC Charge No. 260941199 of Travis J. Guy v. City of Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission in the amount of $6,930.00 which represents attorneys fees and costs; $19,150.90 which represents back pay; $76,747.13 which represents damages; and, $4,104.97 which represents interest on back pay.
Whereas, The charging party, Travis J. Guy, filed a discrimination charge with the EEOC, claiming discrimination based upon his race (African-American) for failure to hire him as a police officer with the City of Milwaukee Police Department; and
Whereas, The charging party, Travis J. Guy, was joined as one of several individuals consisting of a pattern and practice investigation conducted by the EEOC concerning the hiring, promotions terms and conditions of employment of the Milwaukee Police Department and the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission; and
Whereas, The parties have agreed to settle this lawsuit in the amount of $6,930.00 which represents attorneys fees and costs; $19,150.90 which represents back pay from September 26, 1994 through December 2, 1996, less interim earnings, from which all appropriate payroll deductions will be made including state and federal taxes and City pension contributions; $76,747.13 which represents damages; and, $4,104.97 which represents interest on back pay; and
Whereas, The City Attorney recommends and the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee deems it is expeditious and just to settle this lawsuit, and now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue a City check in the amount of $6,930.00, payable to Butler Rodgers Law Offices, which represents attorneys fees and costs, and $76,747.13 payable to Mr. Travis J. Guy, which represents damages; and $4,104.97, payable to Mr. Travis J. Guy, which represents interest on back pay, upon receipt of a release of claims, approved as to form and execution by the City Attorney, and that these funds shall be appropriated from the Damages and Claims Fund, Account No. 01-149-6382-013-8001; and be it
Further Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue a City Check in the amount of $19,150.90, payable to Mr. Travis J. Guy, which represents back pay, less interim earnings, and from which all necessary and appropriate payroll deductions will be made including all federal and state taxes and City pension contributions, in full and final settlement of this lawsuit, upon receipt of a release of claims, approved as to form and execution by the City Attorney, and that these funds shall be appropriated from the Milwaukee Police Department Wage and Salaries Account, Account No. 01-331-6000.
City Atty.