Substitute 2
Substitute ordinance to further amend the 1999 offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 1 of ordinance File Number 980575 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under "Department of Administration-Purchasing Division, Administrative Services", delete one position of "Systems Support Specialist-Senior" and add one position of "Network Coordinator-Associate."
Under "Department of Administration-Central Services Division, Milwaukee Information Systems", delete one position of "Technical Services Manager", one position of "Technical Systems Analyst" and one position of "Systems Lead Analyst" and add one position of "Information Systems Manager", one position of "Systems Analyst-Senior" and one position of "Systems Analyst-Project Leader"; under "Geographic Information Systems Support Team", delete one position of "GIS Manager", one position of "Systems Project Leader", one position of "Systems Analyst-Sr." and two positions of "Computer Programmer II" and add one position of "Geographic Information Systems Manager", one position of "Systems Analyst-Project Leader", one position of "Systems Analyst-Specialist" and two positions of "Programmer II"; under "Professional and Technical Services Support Team", delete one position of "Data Base Administrator", four positions of "Systems Analyst-Lead", one position of "Technical Systems Analyst", one position of "Microcomputer Specialist-Senior" and two positions of "Computer Programmer II" and add one position of "Systems Analyst Manager", four positions of "Systems Analyst-Project Leader", two positions of "Systems Analyst-Senior" and two positions of "Programmer II"; under "City Care/Network Support Team", delete one position of "Technical Systems Supervisor", one position of "Network Systems Administrator", two positions of "Network Specialist III" and one position of "Customer Services Representative II", and add one position of "Systems Analyst-Project Leader", one position of "Network Systems Integrator", two positions of "Network Analyst-Senior" and one position of "Help Desk Representative II"; and under "Data Center Support Team", delete one position of "Systems Analyst-Lead" and two positions of "Technical Systems Analyst" and add one position of "Systems Analyst-Project Leader" and two positions of "Systems Analyst-Senior."
Under "Assessor's Office, Systems and Administration Division", delete one position of "Assessment Analysis Manager (X)" and add one position of "Business Systems Manager (X)."
Under "Common Council-City Clerk, Central Administration Division", delete one position of "Automated Systems Specialist" and one position of "Microcomputer Specialist" and add one position of "Council Network Administrator" and one position of "Council Network Analyst."
Under "Municipal Court, Management and Administration", delete one position of "Court Systems Administrator" and add one position of "Network Manager."
Under "Department of City Development, General Management and Policy Development Decision Unit, Information Systems Services", delete one position of "Information Systems Services Manager", one position of "Microcomputer Coordinator-Senior" and one position of "Systems Support Specialist-Senior (Y)" and add one position of "Business Systems Supervisor" and two positions of "Network Coordinator-Senior (Y)."
Under "Health Department, Administration Decision Unit, Planning and Service Integration Section", delete one position of "Systems Coordinator (X)" and add one position of "Network Administrator (X)"; under "Public Health Services Decision Unit, Immunization Action Plan Grant (DD)", delete one position of "Immunization Project Assistant (X)(DD)" and add one position of "Network Analyst-Assistant (X)(DD)."
Under "Library, Administrative Services Decision Unit, Automation Section", delete one position of "Library Network Specialist (X)" and one position of "Network Systems Administrator (X)", and add one position of "Network Analyst-Senior (X)" and one position of "Library Network Manager (X)."
Under "Department of Public Works-Administrative Services Division, Technology Support Services", delete one position of "Public Works Information Systems Manager (Y)", one position of "Fleet Systems Coordinator" and three positions of "Systems Support Specialist-Senior", and add one position of "Network Planning Manager (Y)", one position of "Systems Analyst-Associate", two positions of "Network Coordinator-Senior" and one position of "Telecommunications Analyst-Sr."
Under "Department of Public Works-Water Works, Business Decision Unit, Technical Systems Group", delete one position of "Systems Analyst-Senior" and one position of "Water Technical Systems Supervisor", and add one position of "Water Systems Analyst" and one position of "Network Coordinator-Senior."
Under "City Treasurer, Administration Division, Administrative Services and Information Systems", delete one position of "Systems Coordinator" and one position of "Systems Support Specialist" and add one position of "Business Systems Coordinator" and one position of "Network Coordinator-Assistant."
Part 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Part 3. The provisions of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after the first day of the first pay period following passage and publication.
Part 4. This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
DFTR: City Clerk's Office