Substitute 1
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2009 offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council.
This substitute ordinance changes positions in the following departments:
Department of Administration, Department of City Development, Common Council-City Clerk, Department of City Development, Department of Employee Relations, Fire Department, Health Department, Library, Department of Neighborhood Services, Police Department, Department of Public Works, Ambulance Service Board and Review Board for Taxicab charges, fares and regulation.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 1 of ordinance File Number 080522 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 1, 2009 - December 28, 2008):
Under “Department of Administration, Budget and Management Division”, delete one position of "Office Supervisor II" and add one position of "Administrative Specialist."
Under “Department of Administration, Homeland Security Division”, amend footnote “(B)” to read as follows: “Position authority to expire when current 6-month grant funding expires."
Under “Department of City Development, General Management and Policy Development Decision Unit, Officer of the Commissioner”, delete one position of “Program Assistant III”; under “Real Estate and Development”, delete one position of "Development Manager (Y)" and add one position of "Strategic Development Manager (Y)”; under “Planning Section”, delete one position of "Assistant Planning Director", one position of "Planning Director (Y)" and add one position of "City Planning Manager."
Under “Common Council-City Clerk, Central Administration Division, Clerical Section”, delete one position of "Office Supervisor II" and add one position of "Administrative Specialist"; under “Council Records Section”, delete one position of "Office Supervisor I" and add one position of "Administrative Services Specialist"; under “Public Information Division, Public Relations Section”, delete one position of "Publications and Information Manager" and add one position of "Public Information Manager"; under “Television Services Section”, delete one position of "Producer" and add one position of "City Channel Manager."
Under “Department of Employee Relations, Administration Division, Office of Diversity and Outreach”, delete one position of "Diversity Outreach Officer (Y) and add one position of "Human Resources Compliance Officer (Y)."
Under “Fire Department, Firefighting Division Decision Unit”, add one position of “Fire Lieutenant”; under “Paramedic Service”, delete one position of “Paramedic Field Lieutenant (C)(I)/Fire Lieutenant (C)(I)”; under "Support Services Decision Unit”, add footnote designation “(Y)” to one position of “Assistant Fire Chief”; under "Metropolitan Medical Response System Program Grant,” amend footnote “(A)” to read as follows: “To expire 6/30/11 unless the Metropolitan Medical Response System Program Grant is extended.”
Under “Fire Department, Firefighting Division Decision Unit, delete three positions of “Battalion Chief, Fire” and add twenty-four positions of “Firefighter” and three positions of “Fire Captain - Incident Safety Officer.”
Under “Fire Department, Supporting Services Decision Unit", amend footnote “(C)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/2009 unless the 2009 PSN Eastern District Gun Violence Reduction grant is extended or unless contribution accounts become insufficient to support the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative, Project Staying Alive program.”
Under “Health Department, Family and Community Health Services Division, Adolescent Community Health Grant (J)”, delete one position of “Health Project Coordinator-Plain Talk (X) (Y) (NNN) (QQQ) (RRR)” and add one position of “Health Project Coordinator-Plain Talk (X) (Y) (NNN) (QQQ) (RRR) (B)” and add footnote “(B)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless replacement funding is received.”
Under “Health Department, Family and Community Health Services Division, Women’s, Infant’s and Children’s Nutrition Program Grant (C)”, delete one position of “Public Health Nurse (X)(C )” and add one position of “Public Health Nurse (X) (G) (C )” and amend footnote “(C)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Women’s, Infant’s and Children’s Grant, available from the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, is extended”; Under “Tobacco Control Community Coalition II Grant (T)” add one position of “Health Project Coordinator (Tobacco & Men’s Health) (X) (Y) (T)” and amend footnote “(T)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Tobacco Control Community Coalition II Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin Division of Health and Family Services is extended”; amend footnote “(V)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the SURVNET Grant available from the Wisconsin Division of Health and Family Services, is extended”; under “Comprehensive Home Visiting Grant (E)”, delete one position of “Office Assistant II (E) (D)” and add one position of “Office Assistant II (E)” and amend footnote “(E)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Comprehensive Home Visiting Grant is extended”; under “Milwaukee Fetal Infant Mortality Review Grant (M)”, delete one position of “Health Project Assistant (X) (M)”; under “Adolescent Community Health Grant (J)”, delete one position of “Nutritionist Coordinator (X) (J)” and one position of “Public Health Nurse (X) (G) (J) (MMM)(S)” and add one position of “Public Health Nurse (X) (G) (J) (MMM)”, one position of “Public Health Educator (X) (J)”, one position of “Office Assistant II (J)”, one position of “Health Project Assistant (X) (M) (J)”; Preventive Health Grant (I)”, delete one position of “Public Health Educator (X) (J)(I)” and one position of “Office Assistant II (J)(I)” and add one position of “Nutritionist Coordinator (X)(J)(I).”
Under “Health Department, Disease Control and Environmental Health Services Division”, add one position of “Environmental & Disease Control Specialist (X) (CCC)”; amend footnote “(A)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the CDC Public Health Preparedness Grant is extended. Public Health Emergency Response Planning Coordinator also partially funded by the Bioterrorism-Focus CRI/Pandemic Influenza Grant. Also partially funds Health Project Coordinator-Immunizations”; delete the title “Weinhardt Computerized HIV Intervention Grant (AAA)” and one position of “Nurse Practitioner (AAA) (X) (BBB)” and add the title “Dual Protection Partnership Initiative Grant (BBB)” and one position of “Nurse Practitioner (X) (BBB) (AAA)” and amend footnote “(BBB)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Dual Protection Partnership Initiative from the State of Wisconsin Division of Public Health-Family Planning Program (DPH-FP) and the Family Planning Health Services, Inc. (FPHS, Inc.) is extended”; amend footnote “(F)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin Division of Health and Family Services, is extended”; amend footnote “(NNN)” to read as follows: “To expire 11/30/09 unless the Plain Talk Initiative - United Way is extended. Partially funds one position of Health Project Coordinator - Plaintalk”; amend footnote “(S)” to read as follows: “To expire 04/15/09 unless the Medical Assistance Outreach Grant is extended. Partially funds one position of Public Health Educator II”; amend footnote “(HH)” to ready as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Hepatitis B Immunization Grant is extended. A portion of the Health Interpreter Aide may be funded by other sources”; under “Childhood Lead Detection Program (Z)”, delete one position of “Lead Hazard Prevention Manager (X) (Z)” and add one position of “Lead Grant Project Manager (X) (Y) (Z)”; under “Childhood Immunization Disparities Grant (YY)”, delete one position of “Office Assistant II (YY) (0.5 FTE)” and add one position of “Office Assistant II (YY) (DD) (0.5. FTE)” and amend footnote “(I)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Preventive Health Grant is extended”; amend footnote “(J)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Adolescent Community Health Grant is extended. Also partially funds one position of Nutritionist Coordinator”; amend footnote “(Z)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Childhood Lead Detection Grant is extended”; amend footnote “(DD)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Immunization Action Plan Grant is extended. Also partially funds one position of Public Health Nurse and one position of Office Assistant II (0.5 FTE)”; amend footnote “(KK)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the MBCAP-Well Women Grant is extended”; amend footnote “(MMM)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/09 unless the Early Identification and Detection of Pregnancy Grant is extended. Partially funds one position of Public Health Nurse.”
Under Library, Administrative Services Decision Unit, Communications and Marketing Section”, delete one position of “Program Assistant II”; under "Central Library Unit", add two positions of “Custodial Worker II-City Laborer”; under “Neighborhood Library & Extension Services Decision Unit, Neighborhood Library and Extension Services Pool”, delete three positions of “Library Circulation Assistant I” and six positions of “Librarian II” and add two positions of “Library Services Assistant”, two positions of “Library Circulation Aide (0.56 FTE)”, two positions of “Library Branch Manager”, two positions of “Library Reference Assistant”; under "Automotive Services Unit", add one position of “Library Driver”; under “Central Library Decision Unit, Central Library Services Pool”, add one position of “Librarian II.”
Under “Department of Neighborhood Services, Code Enforcement Section”, add footnote designation "(B)" to one position of “Code Enforcement Inspector II (X)” and add footnote “(B” to read as follows: "Soft red circle one position held by Jeffery Berry at Pay Range 556."
Under “Police Department, Administration Services Decision Unit”, add footnote designation (Y) to one position of “Chief of Staff” and four positions of “Assistant Chief of Police.”
Under “Police Department, Operation Decision Unit”, add footnote “(G)” to read as follows: “Milwaukee Area Human Trafficking Task Force Grant. Position authority to expire 2/28/10 unless the Milwaukee Area Human Trafficking Task Force Grant funding is extended.”
Under “Police Department, Operation Decision Unit”, amend footnote “(S)” to read as follows: “State Beat Patrol Grant: To expire 12/31/2009 unless the Beat Patrol Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin, Office of Justice Assistance is extended.”
Under “Department of Public Works, Operation Division, Fleet Operations/Dispatch Section” , add three positions of “Operations Driver/Worker”; under “Fleet Services Section”, add three positions of “Vehicle Service Technician”; under “Fleet Operations/Dispatch Section”, add two positions of “Operations Driver/Worker”; under “Facilities Development & Management Section”, add two positions of “Custodial Worker II/City Laborer” and one position of “Maintenance Technician II”; under “Sanitation Section”, add two positions of “Operations Driver Worker (D)”; under “Forestry Section”, add seven positions of “Urban Forestry Specialist.”
Part 2. Section 1 of ordinance File Number 080522 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under “Police Department, Administration Services Decision Unit, Identification Division”, delete one position of “Chief Document Examiner” and add one position of “Chief Latent Print Examiner.”
Part 3. Section 7 of ordinance File Number 080522 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Pay Period 1, 2009 - December 28, 2008):
Under section 7, add the titles “Ambulance Service Board” and “Taxicab Review Board.”
Part 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Part 5. The provisions of Part 1 and 3 of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after Pay Period 1, 2009 (December 28, 2008).
The provisions of all other parts of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after the first day of the first pay period following passage and publication.
Part 6. This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
City Clerk's Office