Resolution approving an agreement between the City of Milwaukee and the City of Oak Creek for the design, installation, construction, operation, maintenance, and funding of permanent street lighting facilities on South 13th Street between West College Avenue and West Rawson Avenue.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works and City Comptroller to enter into an agreement with the City of Oak Creek for the installation, construction, operation, maintenance, and funding of permanent street lighting facilities on South 13th Street from West College Avenue to West Rawson Avenue in the Cities of Milwaukee and Oak Creek. The lighting will be constructed in conjunction with the Milwaukee County paving of South 13th Street from West College Avenue to West Rawson Avenue. This project is funded under the Surface Transportation Program-Urban for Metro Milwaukee (STP-M) and has an 80% federal and 20% local cost share.
Whereas, Milwaukee County will reconstruct South 13th Street from West College Avenue to West Rawson Avenue in 2011; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee adopted Resolution File Number 030469 authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works and Comptroller to execute an agreement with Milwaukee County for the City’s share of preliminary engineering costs associated with the South 13th Street improvement project between West Rawson Avenue and West College Avenue in the Cities of Milwaukee and Oak Creek; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee adopted Resolution File number 040977 authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute an agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) for the programming and construction of street lighting along South 13th Street between West Rawson Avenue and West College Avenue with Federal/State aid under the Surface Transportation Program (STP); and
Whereas, South 13th Street from West College Avenue to West Rawson Avenue shares borders with the City of Oak Creek and City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, It is desired that uniform street lighting be installed on the entire improved section of South 13th Street; and
Whereas, Sixty-five percent (65%) of the proposed street lighting along the project length is located within the City of Oak Creek with the remaining 35 percent located in the City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, The total cost of the street lighting installation for South 13th Street from West College Avenue to West Rawson Avenue is estimated to be $104,874.74; and
Whereas, Eighty percent (80%) of the estimated cost of the street lighting installation, or $83,899.79, will be funded by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) under the Surface Transportation Program-Urban for Metro Milwaukee (STP-M); and
Whereas, The remaining 20 % local share will be funded by having 65 % of the local share or $13,591.77 funded by the City of Oak Creek for the portion of the street lighting system constructed in Oak Creek; and
Whereas, Thirty-five percent (35%) of the local share or $7,383.18 will be funded by the City of Milwaukee for the portion of the street lighting system constructed in Milwaukee; and
Whereas, Upon installation of the street lighting, the City of Oak Creek will be responsible for the cost of maintenance and electrical energy usage of twenty-six (26) street lighting units in the lighting system located in the City of Oak Creek; and
Whereas, An agreement has been drafted for the maintenance and operation of the new street lighting on South 13th Street from West College Avenue to West Rawson Avenue between the City of Oak Creek and the City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, The City of Oak Creek will be billed by the City of Milwaukee an agreed monthly maintenance charge to have the City of Milwaukee maintain the street lighting units that fall within the City of Oak Creek boundaries; and
Whereas, The City of Oak Creek will be billed by the City of Milwaukee monthly for the electrical energy consumption for the street lighting units that fall within the City of Oak Creek boundaries; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works and the City Comptroller are directed to execute an Agreement with the City of Oak Creek pertaining to the cost participation for the installation, maintenance, and operation of the street lighting to be installed in conjunction with the paving of South 13th Street, from West College Avenue to West Rawson Avenue, a copy of which is attached to this Common Council Resolution File, and is incorporated in this resolution by reference as though set forth in full; and, be it
Further Resolved, That upon approval of this contract, the Commissioner of Public Works and Comptroller is authorized to execute the attached agreement for and on behalf of the City of Milwaukee; and, be it
Further Resolved, That employees of the City of Milwaukee required to perform maintenance work set forth in this agreement shall be authorized to perform their duties beyond the city limits of the City of Milwaukee.
Department of Public works
Infrastructure Services Division
RWB: ns
November 24, 2010