Resolution to authorize the naming of West Champions Way between West Green Tree Road and North Industrial Road as a private road, located in the 9th Aldermanic District.
The company Direct Supply, Inc. in order to support growth and investment at the Direct Supply Campus, and to advance their culture as an employee owned company, has requested that the City designate a portion of vacated West Green Tree and North Industrial Roads as a private road named West Champions Way. The designation of this private road will allow address assignments, help optimize operations and serve the needs of the owner, tenant and emergency service providers.
Whereas, Direct Supply, Inc. has developed an 11 building campus along both sides of vacated West Green Tree and North Industrial Roads and desires part of these roads be designated as a private road: and
Whereas, By the City formally designating vacated West Green Tree Road and a portion of vacated North Industrial Road as a private road named West Champions Way, addresses can be assigned to optimize building operations and support emergency service responses; and
Whereas, the owner has requested that this private road, West Champions Way be recognized; and
Whereas, Chapter 113-1 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances provides for naming private roads and the owner has provided a legal description of the limits of the private road; and
Whereas, as a condition of adopting this resolution, the owner is responsible for placing brown street name signs in accord with Chapter 113-1 at their cost. As well as placing and maintaining traffic control devices as necessary to control vehicular traffic leaving the site; now therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council, that the following private roads be described as follows:
All of vacated West Green Tree Road and that part of vacated North Industrial Road in the Southeast 1/4, the Southwest 1/4 and the Northwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 8 North, Range 21 East, described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the easterly line of a drainage right-of-way with the north line of vacated West Green Tree Road; thence Easterly and Southeasterly, along said north line and the northeasterly line of vacated North Industrial Road, to the southeast corner of Parcel 2 of said Certified Survey Map No. 3161; thence Southwesterly, as measured normal to said northeasterly line, to a point in the centerline of vacated North Industrial Road; thence Southeasterly, along said centerline, to its point of intersection with a line described as follows, beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 5513; thence Southwesterly, as measured normal to, said northeasterly line of vacated North Industrial Road, to its point of terminus in the southwesterly line of vacated North Industrial Road; thence Southwesterly, along the aforementioned southwesterly line, to a point in the southwesterly line of vacated North Industrial Road; thence Northwesterly and Westerly, along said southwesterly line and the south line of vacated West Green Tree Road, to the northeast corner of Certified Survey Map No. 8795; thence Northerly, along the east line of said drainage right-of-way, to the point of commencement.
Further Resolved, That City departments are authorized to enter West Champions Way in their databases and on city maps as a private road.
Department of Public Works
Infrastructure Services
Phil Mroczkowski:C. Murphy
February 12, 2020