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File #: 041531    Version:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
On agenda: Final action: 5/20/2005
Effective date:    
Title: Substitute resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the North 7th Street - West Garfield Avenue Redevelopment Plan to create a Bronzeville Cultural and Entertainment District, in the 6th Aldermanic District.
Sponsors: ALD. MCGEE JR.
Attachments: 1. Fiscal Note.pdf, 2. Redevelopment Plan Amendment No. 2.PDF, 3. CPC letter.pdf
Substitute resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the North 7th Street - West Garfield Avenue Redevelopment Plan to create a Bronzeville Cultural and Entertainment District, in the 6th Aldermanic District.
Adoption of this substitute resolution by at least two-thirds vote of the Common Council will approve the Redevelopment Plan Amendment for the above-identified Project Area to permit uses compatible with the creation of a Bronzeville Cultural and Entertainment District. Such approval is a prerequisite for exercising the powers granted to the Redevelopment Authority under Wisconsin law for certification and implementation of the amendment following adoption of this resolution.
Whereas, On May 17, 1983, via File No. 82-2097-a, the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee ("Common Council") adopted a Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") for the North 7th Street - West Garfield Avenue Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area"); and
Whereas, On January 24, 1984, the Common Council adopted Amendment No. 1 to said Plan; and
Whereas, On May 8, 2001, via File No. 010087 the Common Council amended the boundaries for said Project Area and requested that the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee ("Authority") prepare an amendment to the Plan; and
Whereas, The Authority desires to create an area to promote African American arts, culture and entertainment and has prepared Amendment No. 2 to the Plan ("Amendment No. 2"), a copy of which is attached to this Common Council File, to create the Bronzeville Cultural and Entertainment District; and
Whereas, The Authority gave proper notice to property owners within the Project Area and conducted a Public Hearing on Amendment No. 2 on April 28, 2005 pursuant to Wisconsin Statues; and
Whereas, After the Public Hearing, the Authority approved Amendment No. 2 and requested approval by the Common Council; and
Whereas, The City Plan Commission of the City of Milwaukee reviewed Amendment No. 2 and determined that it conforms to the general plan of the City of Milwaukee ("City") and to local objectives as to appropriate land uses, improved traffic, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities and other public improvements in the Project Area as provided in Subsection 66.1333(4)(b), Wisconsin Statutes; and
Whereas, Funding to implement Amendment No. 2 is expected to be provided by a tax incremental district that will be presented to the Common Council at a later date; and
Whereas, Amendment No. 2 prescribes certain land uses of the Project Area that may require, among other things, the vacation and removal of certain streets or other public ways, the provision of public works and facilities, the location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other public and private utilities and facilities and any other public actions deemed necessary to carry out Amendment No. 2; and
Whereas, The Common Council is cognizant of the conditions imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of redevelopment projects under Wisconsin law including those pertaining to financial assistance, relocation, new construction and disposition; and
Whereas, Where clearance and redevelopment is proposed, Wisconsin law requires Common Council approval of a Relocation Plan assuring that decent, safe and sanitary dwellings substantially equal in number to the number of substandard dwellings to be removed in carrying out Amendment No. 2 are available or will be provided at rents or prices within the financial reach of the income groups displaced; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that Amendment No. 2 to the Redevelopment Plan for the North 7th Street - West Garfield Avenue Redevelopment Project Area is approved; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Common Council finds that:
1. Amendment No. 2 is feasible and conforms to the general plan of the City and to the City's objectives for area development.
2. The area, as presently constructed, is a blighted area in need of blight elimination, slum clearance and an urban renewal project within the meaning of Subsection 66.1333(4)(b), Wisconsin Statutes.
3. Financial assistance is expected to be provided by a tax incremental district that will be presented to the Authority and the Common Council at a later date.
4. Where clearance is proposed, the objectives of Amendment No. 2 cannot be achieved solely through rehabilitation or conservation; and, be it
Further Resolved, That to implement and facilitate the prosecution of Amendment No. 2, as approved, certain official actions to support new land uses in the area after redevelopment may be required and which, among other things, may include the vacation and removal or establishment of certain streets, the provision of public works and facilities and to the public and semi-public ways, the location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other public and private utilities, facilities and installations and any other public actions deemed necessary to carry out Amendment No. 2, the Common Council hereby:
1. Pledges its cooperation and stands ready to consider and take appropriate affirmative action or proposals and measures designed to effectuate Amendment No. 2 including the future adoption of a resolution prohibiting new construction in the project area pursuant to the provisions of Section 66.1333(6)(e), Wisconsin Statutes.
2. Authorizes and directs all other City officials, departments, boards, authorities, commissions and agencies having administrative jurisdiction over the premises located within the area identified in Amendment No. 2 to likewise take all such actions and to provide all such assistance to the Authority and to the Department of City Development as may be needed; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the proper City officials are authorized and directed to execute quit claim deeds and any other related documents deemed necessary to effectuate transfer of title from the City to the Authority of any City-owned property located within said Project Area; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Clerk is authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, the Commissioner of Neighborhood Services, the City Engineer, the Assessment Commissioner, the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee and to such other agencies, boards and commissions of the City having administrative jurisdiction in the Project Area described above; and, be it
Further Resolved, That upon Common Council approval of the Relocation Plan prepared for this project by the Authority pursuant to applicable provisions of Wisconsin law, and upon execution of the necessary funding agreement(s) between the Common Council and the Authority assuring the availability of funds for undertaking and carrying out Amendment No. 2, including all provisions, the Authority is hereby requested to proceed with the prosecution of Amendment No. 2 as provided in Wisconsin Statutes, as amended, and as more particularly set forth in Subsections 66.1333(6)(e), 66.1333(9)(a)1. and 32.05(1), regarding:
1. Certification of the approved Amendment No. 2 to the Common Council.
2. Recording approved Amendment No. 2 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Milwaukee County, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
3. Issuing and filing a Relocation Order for the project in the Office of the County Clerk of Milwaukee County, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of the Department of City Development ("Commissioner") or designee is authorized to convey City-owned property within the Project Area to the Authority without monetary consideration if designated for acquisition by Amendment No. 2 or upon the request of the Executive Director-Secretary of the Authority, the Commissioner or the Milwaukee Board of School Directors; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner or designee is authorized to convey residential lots within the Project Area that are suitable for single-family home construction to qualified owner-occupants for such construction or to the Neighborhood Improvement Development Corporation for development and resale to owner-occupants on similar terms and conditions that the Common Council has authorized for sale of other City-owned buildable lots.
DCD-Redevelopment Authority