Resolution authorizing the creation and funding of a Downtown Facade Grant Program and approving Program Eligibility Requirements and Design Guidelines for such Program as well as the Neighborhood Facade Grant Program in Non-Neighborhood Strategic Planning Areas of the City of Milwaukee. (DCD)
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This resolution authorizes the creation and funding of a Downtown Facade Grant Program and approves Program Eligibility Requirements and Design Guidelines for such Program as well as the Neighborhood Facade Grant Program in Non-Neighborhood Strategic Planning Areas of the City of Milwaukee.
Whereas, The Department of City Development has operated a Facade Grant Program for more than 20 years within the CDBG Area; and
Whereas, This program has provided a significant incentive for visible reinvestment in neighborhood commercial areas; and
Whereas, Program Eligibility Requirements and Design Guidelines have been established for facade grant activity in CDBG neighborhoods; and
Whereas, It is recognized that there are neighborhood commercial districts within the City of Milwaukee which are outside of the CDBG Area which would benefit from the implementation of such a program; and
Whereas, It is acknowledged that many downtown property owners are redeveloping their properties to take advantage of the rising interest in downtown housing, offices and retail; and
Whereas, The downtown area of the City has many historically significant buildings; and
Whereas, It is recognized that a facade grant program for downtown requires a set of program guidelines different than a neighborhood program; and
Whereas, More attractive storefronts makes Milwaukee a more pedestrian friendly and attractive place for businesses, residents and visitors; and
Whereas, The City can leverage significant amounts of private investment and improvements to the facades of commercial properties if a facade grant program were available to assist property owners or businesses to upgrade their storefronts and principal facades; and
Whereas, The 1998 City Budget provides a Special Purpose Account for facade grant activity in neighborhoods outside of the Neighborhood Strategic Planning Areas; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that a Downtown Facade Grant Program is established and that Program Eligibility Requirements and Design Guidelines for such Program as well as the Neighborhood Program for Non-Neighborhood Strategic Planning Areas are approved, copies of such Requirements, Guidelines, and map are attached to this Common Council File; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to transfer $197,000 from the Riverfront & Other Downtown Planning & Improvement Fund Account No. 31-618-0001 to Account No. 31-618-2000, Downtown Facade Grant Program; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Special Purpose Account - Facade Improvements Program No. 01-051-8001, approved under Common Council File No. 970683, be expended according to the Requirements and Guidelines approved by this resolution; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of the Department of City Development is authorized and directed to enter into contracts and agreements necessary to carryout said Programs.