Resolution relative to the application, acceptance and funding of the year 2004 HIDTA grant award. (CBGA)
This resolution authorized the Department of Administration's Community Block Grant Administration (CBGA) to apply for, accept, and fund the High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) grant. The funds, totaling $736,004 will be received by the City and disbursed to the Safe and Sound Program - which will be monitored by CBGA.
Whereas, The United States Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) has established the HIDTA grant which combines the efforts of federal, state and local anti-drug and law enforcement agencies to combat drug trade and use; and
Whereas, The terms of the grant require that the grant be made to a government agency; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee appears to be eligible to receive these grant funds from ONDCP; and
Whereas, The Safe and Sound Program was designed to implement tough law enforcement and prevention goals by offering after school and weekend Safe Havens that provide educational, social, and recreational activities for youth; and
Whereas, It is in the best interest of the City to serve as a conduit for the receipt and disbursement of the $736,004 of federal funds from ONDCP for the Safe and Sound Program; and
Whereas, The operations of this grant project from 1/1/04 through 12/31/04 would cost $744,131 of which $8,127 would be provided by the city and $736,004 would be provided as the grantor share; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that application to ONDCP is authorized and that CBGA shall accept this grant without further approval unless the terms of the grant change as indicated in Common Council File No. 030712 (Grant Ordinance); and, be it
Further Resolved, That the administration of these HIDTA funds will require CBGA to monitor funds, complete performance reports, and provide due diligence on grant compliance; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized to:
1. Commit Funds within the Project/Grant Parent of the year 2004 Special Revenue Grant and Aid Projects Funds, the following amounts for the program/project titled High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Project (HIDTA)
Project/Grant Fund Org Program BY SubClass Acc GR000040000 0150 9990 0001 0000 R999 000600Project Amount
Grantor Share $736,004
2. Create the necessary Grant and Aid Project/Grant and Project/Grant Levels; budget against these Project/Grant values the amount required under the grant agreement;
3. Establish the necessary City Share Projects values; and, be it
Further Resolved, That $736,004 is budgeted for the Community Development Block Grant Administration which is authorized to:
- Expend from the amount budgeted for specified purposes as indicated in the grant budget and incur costs consistent with the award date;
2. Enter into subcontracts and leases as detailed in the grant