An ordinance establishing or altering and establishing the widths of sidewalk areas on various streets in the City of Milwaukee. (Infrastructure Services Div.)
__________________________________________________________ - Analysis - This ordinance establishes or alters and establishes the widths of sidewalk areas on various streets in the City of Milwaukee. __________________________________________________________
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
The widths of the sidewalk areas, roadways and center plots of the following streets in the City of Milwaukee are established or altered and established as follows:
1. On the north side of West Bolivar Avenue from the west line of South 1st Place to a point 120 feet west, the width is 17 feet.
2. On West Bradley Road from North 87th Street to North 91st Street.
North Sidewalk Area:
From the west line of North 87th Street to an angle point in the curb, 1,144.5 feet west, the width is 31 feet. Then tapering uniformly to another angle point in the curb, a distance of 223 feet west, to a width of 12 feet. From the last named point to the east line of North 91st Street, the width is 12 feet.
South Sidewalk Area:
From the east line of North 87th Street extended to an angle point in the curb, 1,187.5 feet west, the width is 31 feet. Then tapering uniformly to another angle point in the curb, a distance of 260 feet west, to a width of 12 feet. From the last named point to the east line of North 91st Street, the width is 12 feet.
Roadway Width:
From the west line of North 87th Street to a point 1,107.5 feet m/l west, the width is 48 feet. Then varying uniformly to a point 36 feet m/l west, being the center of a 1-1/2 foot radius on a median. At this point, the north and south roadways are 24 feet wide each and the median width is 3 feet. From this point, the roadways and median widen to a point 224 feet m/l west, being the center of an 11 foot radius on the west end of said median. At this point, the roadways are 32 feet wide each and the median is 22 feet wide. From a point 57 feet m/l west, being the center of a 6 foot radius on another median, to a point 120 feet m/l west, being the center of a 2.5 foot radius on the west end of said median (also said point being near the east line of North 91st Street), the north roadway is 42 feet, the south roadway is 32 feet and the median width is 12 feet, except where modified for left turn reservoirs.
3. On East Howard Avenue from South Clement Avenue to South Howell Avenue.
North Sidewalk Area:
From the west line of South Clement Avenue to the east line of South Lenox Street, the width is 15 feet. From the west line of South Lenox Street to the east line of South Pine Avenue, the width is 20 feet. From the west line of South Pine Avenue to a point 1,037.28 feet west, the width is 15 feet. The right of way widens at this point and the sidewalk area becomes 20 feet. From the last named point to the east line of South Griffin Avenue, the width is 20 feet. From the west line of South Griffin Avenue to a point 218.05 feet west, the width is 20 feet. The right of way narrows at this point and the sidewalk area becomes 15 feet. From the last named point to the east line of South Whitnall Avenue, the width is 15 feet. From the west line of South Whitnall Avenue to the east line of South Austin Street, the width is 15 feet. From the west line of South Austin Street to a point 195 feet east of the east line of South Howell Avenue, the width is 15 feet.
South Sidewalk Area:
From the west line of South Clement Avenue to the east line of South Pine Avenue, the width is 15 feet. From the west line of South Pine Avenue to a point 429 feet west, the width is 20 feet. The right of way narrows at this point and the width becomes 15 feet. From the last named point to an angle point in the curb, 44 feet east of the east line of South Whitnall Avenue, the width is 15 feet. Then tapering uniformly to the east line of South Whitnall Avenue to a width of 12 feet. From the west line of South Whitnall Avenue to an angle point in the curb, a distance of 160 feet west, the width is 12 feet. Then varying uniformly to another angle point in the curb, a distance of 30 feet west, to a width of 15 feet. From the last named point to the east line of South Howell Avenue, the width is 15 feet.
Roadways and Median:
Two 28 foot wide roadways are separated by a 14 foot wide median except where modified for left turn and right turn reservoirs.
4. On West Locust Street from North 20th Street to North 27th Street.
North Sidewalk Area:
From the west line of North 20th Street to an angle point in the curb, a distance of 68 feet m/l west, the width varies uniformly from 11 feet to 14 feet. The width is constant at 14 feet from the last named point to an angle point in the curb, 124.50 feet west of the west line of North 26th Street. From the last named point to another angle point in the curb, a distance of 50 feet west, the width varies uniformly from 14 feet to 10 feet. From the last named point to the east line of North 27th Street, the width is 10 feet.
South Sidewalk Area:
From the west line of North 20th Street to an angle point in the curb, a distance of 51 feet m/l west, the width is 10 feet. Then varying uniformly to another angle point in the curb, a distance of 50 feet west, from a width of 10 feet to 14 feet. Then constant to the east line of North 27th Street at a width of 14 feet.
5. On North Maryland Avenue from East Kenwood Boulevard to East Hartford Avenue, the width is 20 feet.
6. On the south side of West Oklahoma Avenue from South 68th Street to South 70th Street, the width is 13 feet.
7. On West Vienna Avenue from North Port Washington Avenue to North Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, the width is 15 feet.
8. On South Water Street and East Seeboth Street from East Pittsburgh Avenue to South 1st Street and South Ferry Street.
North Sidewalk Area:
From the north line of East Pittsburgh Avenue to an angle point in the curb, a distance of 50 feet m/l west, the width is 10 feet m/l. From the last named point to another angle point in the curb, a distance of 345 feet west, the width is 9.5 feet. Then varying uniformly in a distance of 56.5 feet west to a width of 10.3 feet. Then constant at 10.3 feet in a distance of 43.5 feet west to a point of curve in the curb. Then varying nonuniformly through a curve having an 80 foot radius, a distance of 34 feet m/l (as measured along said curve), to a width of 15 feet. From the last named point to a point 50 feet m/l west, the width is 15 feet (said point being the end of a 30 foot radius on the curb at the intersection of East Seeboth Street and South 1st Street, said end of radius being 18 feet east of the east line of South 1st Street on East Seeboth Street).
South Sidewalk Area:
From the north line of East Pittsburgh Avenue to the east line of South Barclay Street, the width is 9.5 feet. At the west line of South Barclay Street, the width is 10 feet. Then varying uniformly to an angle point in the curb, a distance of 50 feet west, to a width of 15 feet. From the last named point to the east line of South Ferry Street, the width is 15 feet.
9. On South 20th Street from West Windlake Avenue to West Lincoln Avenue.
East Sidewalk Area:
At the north line of West Windlake Avenue at 12 feet. Then varying uniformly in a distance of 60 feet north to an angle point in the curb to a width of 15 feet. From the last named point to another angle point in the curb, 187 feet m/l south of the south line of West Lincoln Avenue, the width is constant at 15 feet. Then varying uniformly in a distance of 53 feet m/l north, being the south line of an alley, to a width of 12 feet. From the last named point to the south line of West Lincoln Avenue at 12 feet.
West Sidewalk Area:
From the north line of West Windlake Avenue extended to an angle point in the curb, a distance of 10.5 feet m/l north, the width is 11 feet. Then varying uniformly in a distance of 50 feet m/l north to another angle point in the curb to a width of 10 feet. From the last named point to an angle point in the curb, 187 feet m/l south of the south line of West Lincoln Avenue, the width is constant at 10 feet. Then varying uniformly in a distance of 67 feet m/l north to another angle point in the curb, being the north line of an alley, to a width of 15 feet. From the last named point to the south line of West Lincoln Avenue at 15 feet.
10. On North 25th Street from West Brown Street to West Lloyd Street.
The east sidewalk area at 15 feet and the west sidewalk area at 11 feet.
11. On the west side of South 26th Street from a point 120 feet south of the south line of West Morgan Avenue to the south line of West Morgan Avenue, the width is 14 feet.
12. On North 46th Street from West Marion Street to the south roadway of West Congress Street.
The roadway width is 30 feet.
13. On the west side of North 68th Street from West Lisbon Avenue to West Burleigh Street, the width is 15 feet.
DPW/Infrastructure Services/Transportation/Estimating
November 18, 1998
Walk Ordinances
File name in WordPerfect: ORDI9801