Resolution authorizing the proper City officials to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue for the collection of certain City debt.
This resolution authorizes the proper City officials to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue for the collection of certain City debt. The Municipal Court intends to send certain categories of debt to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue on a trial basis for at least 6 months to determine the effectiveness of this arrangement.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, in Resolution File Number 160845, adopted November 1, 2016, directed City departments to take the necessary actions to implement the recommendations of the Outstanding Debt Work Group; and
Whereas, Recommendation number 17 of the Debt Collection Work Group directed the City Attorney to negotiate, and bring to the Common Council for approval, an agreement with the State to collect certain categories of City debt; and
Whereas, The Municipal Court intends to send certain categories of debt to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue on a trial basis for at least 6 months; and
Whereas, Negotiations with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue have been successfully completed; and
Whereas, The negotiated contract is open-ended and does not expire after any specific term; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that an intergovernmental agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, in substantially the same form as is attached to this file, is approved; and be it
Further Resolved, That the proper City officials are authorized to execute the agreement; and be it
Further Resolved, That the City Attorney may, in his discretion, terminate the agreement after the trial period is completed unless otherwise directed by the Common Council.
Andrea Fowler
April 6, 2018
LRB 171129
John Ledvina
April 23, 2018