Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a Revised Project Agreement titled ”State Municipal Agreement for a State-Let Local Bridge Project” with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the design and construction of the South 70th Street bridge over Canadian Pacific Railway and Hank Aaron State Trail with a total project cost of $3,125,710 with 80 percent Federal and State construction aid under the Local Bridge Program.
This Resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a Revised Project Agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of the South 70th Street Bridge over Canadian Pacific Railway and Hank Aaron State Trail. The Revised Project Agreement provides for 80 percent Federal and State aid for construction under the Local Bridge Program, and 20 percent local funds. The total estimated cost for the project is $3,125,710.00 of which $849,142.00 is the City of Milwaukee’s share and $2,276,568.00 is the grantor’s share. Construction funds for the project will be requested in a future Common Council resolution.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee adopted Resolution File Number 140427 authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute an agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the design of the South 70th Street bridge over Canadian Pacific Railway/Hank Aaron State Trail with 80 percent Federal and State aid under the Local Bridge Program; and
Whereas, The South 70th Street Bridge over Canadian Pacific Railway and Hank Aaron State Trail Local Bridge Program budget request for construction was approved to receive 80 percent Federal and State aid; and
Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has submitted a Revised Project Agreement that includes construction funding for the costs associated with the bridge reconstruction project for City execution; and
Whereas, The bridge project is scheduled for construction in 2022 and construction funds for this project will be requested in a separate resolution, now therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute the Revised Project Agreement including construction costs associated with the reconstruction of the South 70th Street Bridge over Canadian Pacific Railway and Hank Aaron State Trail with 80 percent Federal and State aid under Local Bridge Program and 20 percent local cost sharing, a copy of which is attached to Common Council File Number 181113 and incorporated in this resolution as though set forth therein in full, and be it
Further Resolved, That minor changes to the agreement which do not change its intent are hereby approved.
Department of Public Works
Infrastructure Services Division
October 30, 2018