Resolution approving Port Milwaukee’s 2023 Statement of Intentions for the State’s Harbor Assistance Program (HAP)
This resolution would approve Port Milwaukee’s 2023 Statement of Intentions for the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)’s Harbor Assistance Program (HAP) for transmission to WisDOT for the State’s further consideration
Whereas, Port Milwaukee generates $100 million in local economic activity and regional business revenue annually through its ongoing commercial, cruise ship and multimodal activity in Milwaukee; and
Whereas, Port Milwaukee is responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of its capital assets and transportation infrastructure; and
Whereas, in 2021, Port Milwaukee established a new Capital Asset Renewal Plan (CARP), which establishes a long-term maintenance and replacement schedule for Port facilities and infrastructure;
Whereas, the CARP found that the current placement value (CPV) of all Port operated and owned capital assets is over $190 million, and the total 50-year renewal costs for Port capital assets is over $202 million or approximately $4 million annually.
Whereas, Port Milwaukee seeks future eligibility for available grants under the State of Wisconsin’s Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Harbor Assistance Program (HAP) to address needs identified in the CARP and other Port capital projects; and
Whereas, a requirement of potential HAP grant eligibility is the annual submission of a Three-Year Statement of Intentions by Port Milwaukee to WisDOT by April 1st each year; and
Whereas, the 2023 Statement of Intentions is reflective of several potential projects envisioned by Port Milwaukee to address its ongoing infrastructure needs and asset renewal objectives from 2023 - 2025; and
Whereas, the Board of Harbor Commissioners at their meeting of February 9, 2023 acted by a unanimous vote of the Board to approve the 2023 Statement of Intentions; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, by the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that said Common Council hereby ratifies and approves Port Milwaukee’s 2023 Statement of Intentions by and through its Board of Harbor Commissioners; and, be it
Further Resolved, that the designated officers of said government and of said Board of Harbor Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to transmit the 2023 Statement of Intentions to WisDOT.
Jackie Q. Carter
Port Milwaukee