Resolution amending Common Council File Number 231757 relating to the acceptance and expenditure of a Cities Forward grant.
This resolution amends Common Council File Number 231757 relating to the acceptance and expenditure of a Cities Forward grant. This resolution amends the original resolution to reflect an extension of the grant period to December 31, 2025, and additional funding of $222,888 granted by Cities Forward for establishing Civic Corners and quarterly programming in MPL branches, bringing the total grant amount to $472,888.
Whereas, Cities Forward is a non-profit organization that works to prioritize participation in our democracy by supporting cities in the development of nonpartisan, city-driven projects to boost civic participation and by helping cities strengthen the infrastructure of civic engagement; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee is eligible for a Cities Forward grant to fund nonpartisan civic engagement; and
Whereas, This grant project would serve the public purpose of planning and implementing a citywide civic engagement campaign in the City of Milwaukee to increase civic literacy; and
Whereas, This grant project would work to increase civic literacy by funding the creation of a website where residents can access government programs and services by category of need and locate nonpartisan voter information, by funding a street outreach team to attend events and promote City programs, and by funding a communications campaign to engage residents in City of Milwaukee programs and services more effectively; and
Whereas, This grant project also created one full-time Community Relations and Engagement Director position and five part-time Temporary Community Education Assistant positions; and
Whereas, The additional funding provided for this grant project would establish Civic Corners in MPL branches with resources on voting, government functions, and civic engagement, and facilitate quarterly civic programs on relevant civic topics, and library-based field trips in partnership with educators, featuring interactive activities like voting simulations and problem-solving civic challenges.
Whereas, The operation of this grant project from March 4, 2024 to December 31, 2025 would cost $472,888, with no City match; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Milwaukee Public Library is authorized to accept and expend the Cities Forward grant without further approval unless the terms of the grant change as indicated in s. 304-81, Milwaukee Code of Ordinance; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized to:
1. Commit funds within the Project/Grant Parent of the 2024 Special Revenue--Grant and Aid Projects Fund, the following amounts for the project titled Cities Forward-Civic Engagement Library Program Grant:
Proj/Grant Fund Org Program BuYr
GR0002400000 0150 9990 0001 0000
Subclass Acct Project Amount
R999 000600 Grantor Share $472,888
2. Create the necessary Special Revenue Fund - Grant and Aid Project/Grant and Project Level values; budget to these Project/Grant values the amount required under the grant agreement; and, be it
Further Resolved, That these funds are budgeted for Milwaukee Public Library which is authorized to expend from the amount budgeted for specified purposes as indicated in the grant budget and incur costs consistent with the award date; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Common Council directs that the 2025 Positions Ordinance, Common Council File Number 240765, be amended as follows:
Edit footnote (M) to read:
(M) Position authority to expire December 31, 2025 unless the Cities Forward Grant is extended.
Sarah Leszczynski