Resolution relative to executing an agreement with the City of Wauwatosa for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of the existing traffic control signals at the intersection of West Bluemound Road and North 68th Street located in the City of Wauwatosa and adjacent to the 10th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works and Comptroller to enter into an agreement with the City of Wauwatosa for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of the existing traffic control signal at the intersection of West Bluemound Road and North 68th Street located in the City of Wauwatosa and adjacent to the 10th Aldermanic District. Under the proposed agreement, the City of Wauwatosa will fund one hundred percent of the design, installation, operation, and maintenance expenses of the existing traffic signal at West Bluemound Road and North 68th Street.
Whereas, The existing traffic control signal at West Bluemound Road and North 68th Street is located in the City of Wauwatosa; and
Whereas, The traffic control signal at West Bluemound Road and north 68th Street will be reconstructed in 2014 as part of the Zoo Interchange Traffic Mitigation project with all costs for this work paid for by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee currently operates and controls the traffic control signals located on West Bluemound Road east and west of North 68th Street; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee currently provides coordination information to the City of Wauwatosa to program the Wauwatosa traffic signal controller and the existing City of Wauwatosa traffic signal controller is connected to the City of Milwaukee's signal interconnect system; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee will be better able to coordinate all traffic control signals along West Bluemound Road during the various stages of the Zoo Interchange reconstruction project as well as all other times with operational control of the traffic signal at West 68th Street; and
Whereas, A Traffic Control Agreement has been drafted for design, installation, maintenance, and operation of the traffic control signal at West Bluemound Road and North 68th Street between the City of Wauwatosa and the City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, One hundred percent (100%) of the ongoing design, installation, operation and maintenance expenses for the traffic control signal at West Bluemound Road and North 68th Street will be paid for by the City of Wauwatosa upon collaboration and billing by the City of Milwaukee; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works and Comptroller are directed to execute the Traffic Control Agreement with the City of Wauwatosa pertaining to the cost participation for the design, installation, maintenance and operation of the traffic control signal at West Bluemound Road and North 68th Streets, a copy of which is attached to this Common Council Resolution File, and is incorporated in this resolution by reference as though set forth in full.
Department of Public Works
Infrastructure Services Division
April 15, 2014