Alderman Bauman
Resolution authorizing the issuance of street occupancy permits to Veit & Company for demolition activities at North Vel R. Phillips Avenue between West State Street and West Highland Avenue and West State Street between North Vel R. Phillips Avenue and North 6th Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes City officials to issue an occupancy permit to Veit & Company allowing them to occupy North Vel R. Phillips Avenue between West State Street and West Highland Avenue and West State Street between North Vel R. Phillips Avenue and North 6th Street for demolition of the roof of the Bradley Center at 1001 North Vel R. Phillips Avenue.
Whereas, Veit & Company has been contracted for demolition services at 1001 North Vel R. Phillips Avenue; and
Whereas, Veit & Company has requested to occupy the North Vel R. Phillips Avenue between West State Street and West Highland Avenue and West State Street between North Vel R. Phillips Avenue and North 6th Street for a period of one day on or about January 13, 2019; and
Whereas, Veit & Company will be responsible to contact all affected property owners and businesses informing them of the closures and the affected dates; and
Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Works may approve temporary occupancy of up to one-third of the width of the right of way while temporary use beyond that point must be approved by the Common Council; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to issue occupancy permits to Veit & Company allowing them to occupy North Vel R. Phillips Avenue between West State Street and West Highland Avenue and West State Street between North Vel R. Phillips Avenue and North 6th Street on January 13, 2019; and be it
Further Resolved, The Commissioner of Public Works may approve an alternative date should weather or other conditions exist that do not allow for demolition activities to be conducted on January 13, 2019.
Karen Dettmer:
December 17, 2019
Bradley Center Demo - Street Closure