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File #: 911335    Version:
Type: Motion Status: Placed On File
File created: 10/15/1991 In control: STEERING & RULES COMMITTEE
On agenda: Final action: 12/19/2003
Effective date:    
Title: Substitute motion amending the Common Council Procedure and Rules relating to Common Council committee structure.
Sponsors: ALD. FRANK
Substitute motion amending the Common Council Procedure and Rules relating to Common Council committee structure.
- Analysis -
This motion amends the Common Council Procedure and Rules relating to the Common Council committee structure by:
1.Eliminating the Steering and Rules Committee and creating a Budget and Rules Committee which shall have jurisdiction over the annual city budget, Common Council Procedure and Rules, extraordinary matters not covered by any standing committee and long range planning.
2.Eliminating and/or restructuring the 7 current standing Common Council committees (Economic Development, Finance and Personnel, Judiciary and Legislation, Public Improvements, Public Safety, Utilities and Licenses, and Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development) and creating 4 standing committees: Neighborhoods and Economic Development, Licensing and Government Operations, Public Safety and Public Works.
3.Providing that each standing committee shall consider all issues, including budgetary matters, relating to those departments under their jurisdiction.
4.Providing that each standing committee shall consist of 7 members; standing committee chairs shall serve only on their standing committees and as members of the Budget and Rules Committee; the Common Council president shall serve only as the chair of the Budget and Rules Committee; and the remaining 12 Common Council members shall each serve on 2 standing committees.
5.Providing that the mayor's proposed annual city budget shall be referred to the 4 standing committees which shall review those sections of the budget over which each has jurisdiction, and after said review, the budget shall be referred to the Budget and Rules Committee.
6.The City Clerk is authorized to reassign any current common council files to the appropriate common council standing committee, as necessary, to fulfill the intent of this motion.
Part 1. Article IV, Section 3 of the common council procedure and rules is amended to read:
Section 3. Germaneness. Whenever a majority of the members present question whether a matter before the common council is germane to the proper activities of the local governmental unit, they may by vote direct that the matter be referred to the [[-steering]] >>budget<< and rules committee for a determination as to its germaneness. Upon a determination that the matter is germane, the [[-steering]] >>budget<< and rules committee shall forward the file to the appropriate standing committee for a hearing. Furthermore, any standing committee may, by a majority vote, refer any matter before it to the [[-steering]] >>budget<< and rules committee for a determination as to its germaneness in the same manner.
Part 2. Article IV, Section 7 of the common council procedure and rules is amended to read:
Section 7. Penalties. All proposed ordinances imposing any forfeiture, imprisonment or other penalty shall be referred to the committee on [[-judiciary and legislation]] >>public safety<< and the city attorney.
Part 3. Article IV, Section 9, subdivisions 1 to 3 of the common council procedure and rules is amended to read:
Section 9. Budget Amendments. 1. When the proposed city budget is reported to the council by the [[-finance and personnel]] >>budget and rules<< committee, the council shall first consider any amendments recommended for adoption by the committee.
2.The common council shall next consider any amendments which were submitted for consideration to the [[-finance and personnel]] >>budget and rules<< committee but which were not recommended for adoption by the committee, provided they were submitted to the city clerk at least 24 hours prior to the council meeting, in order by budget item affected.
3.The common council may next, by a two-thirds vote of the members of the council in office at the time of the vote, accept for consideration any budget amendment which was not submitted under either sub. 1 or 2. The two- thirds vote requirement shall not apply to any amendment related to a budget item on which the [[-finance and personnel]] >>budget and rules<< committee has met and recommended action within 24 hours prior to the council meeting.
Part 4. Article V, Section 1, of the common council procedure and rules is repealed and recreated to read:
Section 1. Budget and Rules. A budget and rules committee comprised of the common council president, who shall be the chair, and the 4 standing committee chairs, with their vice-chairs serving as alternates, shall have jurisdiction over:
1.Annual budget.
2.Common council procedure and rules.
3.Extraordinary matters not covered by the responsibility of any standing committee.
4.Long range planning.
Part 5. Article V, Section 1.5 of the common council procedure and rules is created to read:
Section 1.5. Committee Structure. 1. Each standing committee of the common council shall consist of 7 members.
2.The standing committee chairs shall serve only on their standing committees and as members of the budget and rules committee; the common council president shall serve only as chair of the budget and rules committee. The remaining 12 common council members shall each serve on 2 standing committees.
3.Standing committee chairs may appoint various temporary and permanent subcommittees.
4.Each standing committee shall consider appointments, appropriations, audits, grants, information systems projects, personnel matters, services contracts and strategic planning issues relating to those city departments under their jurisdiction.
Part 6. Article V, Section 2, of the common council procedures and rules is repealed and recreated to read:
Section 2. Standing Committees. The following 4 standing committees, including their chairs and vice-chairs, shall be appointed by the president of the common council, and given the following assignments:
1. Neighborhoods and economic development:
a.Air lease rights which involve a skywalk in a business improvement district, tax incremental financing district or redevelopment area.
b.Annexation, detachments and boundaries.
c.Arts board.
d.Business improvement districts.
e.Cable television.
f.City owned property.
g.City plan commission.
h.City public relations.
i.Community development block grant administration.
j.Community relations.
k.Cultural arts.
l.Department of city development.
m.Development zones.
n.Disadvantaged business enterprises.
o.Economic development.
p.Enterprise zones.
r.Harbor commission; port of Milwaukee.
s.Harbors, lakefront, rivers, creeks.
t.Historic preservation.
u.Homestead program.
w.Housing authority.
x.Industrial land bank.
y.Industrial revenue bonds.
z.Job development.
zc.Milwaukee economic development corporation.
zd.Pabst theater.
ze.Playgrounds, totlots, parks, green spots.
zg.Redevelopment authority.
zh.Redevelopment project areas.
zk.Tax incremental financing districts.
zm.Urban, community and neighborhood renewal.
2.Licensing and government operations:
a.Bonds and notes, except industrial revenue bonds.
b.City clerk.
c.City comptroller.
d.City treasurer.
e.Department of administration.
f.Department of employe relations.
g.Election commission.
h.Elections and referendums.
i.Employe benefits.
l.Intergovernmental relations, including proposed legislation.
m.Labor relations.
n.Licenses and permits.
o.Mayor's office.
p.Official advertising.
s.Public debt.
u.Youth programs.
3.Public Safety:
a.Building inspection.
b.City attorney.
c.Claims and litigation.
d.Emergency government.
e.Emergency medical services.
g.Fire and police commission.
i.Municipal court.
k.Standards and appeals.
4.Public works:
a.Air lease rights, except those which involve a skywalk in a business improvement district, tax incremental financial district or redevelopment area.
c.Communications systems.
d.Deferred assessments.
e.Department of public works.
g.Electrical and telephone services.
i.Flood control.
k.Municipal equipment.
m.Plats and maps.
n.Pollution abatement.
o.Pubic buildings.
p.Public improvements.
q.Public utilities.
r.Resource recovery and recycling.
t.Sewerage commission.
v.Special assessments.
w.Special privileges and permits relating to city property.
x.Streets and alleys.
y.Subterranean lease rights.
z.Traffic engineering.
zb.Water works.
Part 7. Article V, Section 8 of the common council procedure and rules is amended to read:
Section 8. Bonding of City Officers. All bonds of city officers or city employes requiring approval by the common council shall be referred to and reported upon by the committee on [[-judiciary and legislation]] >>licensing and government operations<< and the city attorney as to their form and sufficiency. A majority of the members of the council at the time of the vote shall be necessary for an approval.
Part 8. Article V, Section 9 of the common council procedure and rules is amended to read:
Section 9. State Legislative Proposals. A recommendation of the committee on [[-judiciary and legislation]] >>licensing and government operations<< regarding the stand to be taken on a bill pending in the state legislature, when approved by the common council, as referred by the committee or as amended by the council, shall become the official position of the city and shall not be changed except by action of the council at a regular or special meeting. If a bill comes up for a hearing before the legislature or one of its committees before the common council can act on its committee recommendation, the stand of the committee on [[-judiciary and legislation]] >>licensing and government operations<< shall represent the official position of the city.
Part 9. Article V, Section 10-1.5 of the common council procedure and rules is created to read:
Section 10. Referrals.
1.5. The common council president shall refer the mayor's proposed annual city budget to the 4 standing committees which shall review those sections of the budget over which each has jurisdiction. After review by the standing committees, the proposed budget shall be referred to the budget and rules committee.
Part 10. Article VI, Section 4 of the common council procedure and rules is amended to read:
Section 4. Licenses. A majority vote of the common council members present shall authorize the issuance, denial, renewal, nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of an alcohol beverage-related license, but a 3/4 vote of those members present shall be required to reverse any recommendation of the [[-utilities and licenses]] >>licensing and government operations<< committee as to whether such a license shall be issued, denied, renewed, nonrenewed, suspended or revoked.
Part 11. The City Clerk is authorized to reassign any current common council files to the appropriate common council standing committee, as necessary, to fulfill the intent of this motion.
3/31/92g and
        government operations<< and the city attorney as to their
        form and sufficiency.  A majority of the members of the
        council at the time of the vote shall be necessary for an
       Part 8.  Article V, Section 9 of the common council
        procedure and rules is amended to read:
       Section 9. State Legislative Proposals.  A recommendation
        of the committee on [[-judiciary and legislation]]
        >>licensing and government operations<< regarding the
        stand to be taken on a bill pending in the state
        legislature, when approved by the common council, as
        referred by the committee or as amended by the council,
        shall become the official position of the city and shall
        not be changed except by action of the council at a
        regular or special meeting.  If a bill comes up for a
        hearing before the legislature or one of its committees
        before the common council can act on its committee
        recommendation, the stand of the committee on [[-judiciary
        and legislation]] >>licensing and government operations<<
        shall represent the official position of the city.
       Part 9.  Article V, Section 10-1.5 of the common council
        procedure and rules is created to read:
       Section 10.  Referrals.
       1.5.  The common council president shall refer the mayor's
        proposed annual city budget to the 4 standing committees
        which shall review those sections of the budget over which
        each has jurisdiction.  After review by the standing
        committees, the proposed budget shall be referred to the
        budget and rules committee.
       Part 10.  Article VI, Section 4 of the common council
        procedure and rules is amended to read:
                           Article VI
                       SPECIAL PROCEDURES
       Section 4. Licenses.  A majority vote of the common
        council members present shall authorize the issuance,
        denial, renewal, nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of
        an alcohol beverage-related license, but a 3/4 vote of
        those members present shall be required to reverse any
        recommendation of the [[-utilities and licenses]]
        >>licensing and government operations<< committee as to
        whether such a license shall be issued, denied, renewed,
        nonrenewed, suspended or revoked.  
        Part 11.  The City Clerk is authorized to reassign any
        current common council files to the appropriate common
        council standing committee, as necessary, to fulfill the
        intent of this motion.