Resolution amending City policy relating to the outsourcing or privatizing of City services.
This resolution amends City policy relating to the outsourcing or privatizing of City services by requiring formal Common Council approval of any studies or analyses of the outsourcing or privatization of City services or functions whenever those studies or analyses are performed by persons other than City staff (e.g., consultants-for-hire).
Whereas, On April 20, 1999, the Common Council adopted File Number 990089, a resolution requiring formal Common Council authorization and approval of the outsourcing or privatizing of any City service or function which may result in the reduction, elimination or privatization of any City positions; and
Whereas, In adopting this legislation, the Common Council intended to require Common Council approval for any study or analysis of outsourcing or privatization of City services or functions which may result in the reduction, elimination or privatization of those services, whenever the study is performed by anyone other than City staff; and
Whereas, The level and quality of City services to be provided to Milwaukee residents, as well as control of all City funding for those services and related staffing, is a matter of fundamental public policy to be determined by the Common Council; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that Common Council Resolution File Number 990089 is revised as follows:
1. That the "Resolved" clause is deleted and the following "Resolved" clause inserted in lieu thereof:
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that formal authorization and approval of the Common Council by resolution shall be required to outsource or privatize any service or function, including any study or analysis of outsourcing or privatization performed by anyone other than City staff, which may result in the reduction, elimination or privatization of any City positions; and, be it
2. That the introductory paragraph of the first "Further Resolved" clause is deleted and the following paragraph inserted in lieu thereof:
Further Resolved, That the Common Council establishes the following procedure relative to requests from City departments to outsource or privatize specific services or functions, including any studies or analyses of outsourcing or privatization performed by anyone other than City staff, which may result in the reduction, elimination or privatization of any City positions:
3. That paragraph #4 of the first "Further Resolved" clause is deleted and the following paragraph inserted in lieu thereof:
4. Any subsequent approval of a request to outsource or privatize services, including any studies or analyses of outsourcing or privatization performed by anyone other than City staff, which may result in the reduction, elimination or privatization of any City positions shall be authorized only be approval of the Common Council by resolution.