The Chair
Resolution authorizing the proper City officials to apply for, accept and fund a grant audit agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for work on Milwaukee Water Works facilities in conjunction with the Zoo Interchange's Phase 1 contract work.
This resolution authorizes the proper City officials to apply for, accept and fund a grant audit agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for work on Milwaukee Water Works facilities within existing Water Utility Easements in conjunction with the Zoo Interchange's Phase 1 contract work. The audit agreement includes all City incurred costs during engineering, inspection and construction of Milwaukee Water Works facilities. The City incurred construction related charges for the water utility alterations are estimated to be $114,200, of which the City will be reimbursed 100% by the State.
This resolution also approves the agreement, a copy of which is attached to this file, entitled "Audit Agreement For Payment For Lands Or Interests In Lands Acquired From Public Utility", and authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Milwaukee.
This grant audit agreement relates to utility work on City water facilities within existing Water Utility Easements necessitated by the rehabilitation of the Zoo Interchange work in Phase 1 construction limits, being undertaken by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation in 2014 and 2015. The agreement provides generally for the City to be reimbursed by the State 100% of the City costs for all work on City water facilities in accordance with s.84.09(1), Wis. Stats. and the Audit Agreement.
This resolution also authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to prepare and review plans and estimates for the Zoo Interchange utility work as necessary to accomplish the project. In addition, the resolution authorizes the City Comptroller to establish accounts as necessary to track the work and to submit invoices to the State of Wisconsin for work undertaken on this project as approved by the Commissioner of Public Works.
Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has scheduled the reconstruction of the Zoo Interchange in the City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, There will be work required on City water utilities within existing Water Utility Easements as a result of the design and construction associated with the Zoo Interchange freeway project; and
Whereas, Section 84.09(1), Wis. Stats. and the Audit Agreement, indicate that the Wisconsin Department of Transportation will pay 100% of the cost of alteration, rehabilitation and relocation of municipal utilities; and
Whereas, The estimated City costs of water utility alterations for Milwaukee Water Works facilities related to the Zoo Interchange contract work (State Project ID 1060-33-80) will be $114,200; and
Whereas, For the City to be reimbursed for the 100% share of the utility alteration cost on the Zoo Interchange freeway work, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation requires the entering into the Audit Agreement, in accordance with relocation assistance policy; and
Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has provided the City of Milwaukee with the necessary audit agreements to facilitate reimbursement of City costs in the alteration of Milwaukee Water Works facilities; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to apply for, accept and fund a grant audit agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for work on Milwaukee Water Works facilities within existing Water Utility Easements necessitated by the Zoo Interchange construction project without further approval unless the terms of the grant changes as provided in s. 304-81 of the Code of Ordinances; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is directed to execute the agreement, a copy of which is attached to this file, entitled "Audit Agreement For Payment For Lands Or Interests In Lands Acquired From Public Utility,"; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is directed to review and prepare plans as necessary to accomplish the required water utility alterations associated with the Zoo Interchange freeway work and is authorized to allow Wisconsin Department of Transportation to include City water utility work in the Zoo Interchange freeway work contract; or have the necessary water utility work associated with the Zoo Interchange freeway project accomplished by City forces; or have the necessary water utility work associated with the Zoo Interchange freeway project accomplished by city contract, whichever is deemed to be in the best interest of the City and the Zoo Interchange freeway project; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the funding to cover 100% of the estimated City cost of the Zoo Interchange freeway project utility alterations for Milwaukee Water Works is estimated to be $114,200 and will be placed in the Department of Public Works' departmental accounts as part of the City budget process in the budget year necessary to accommodate the project scheduling; and, be it
Further Resolved, That these funds shall be appropriated to the Milwaukee Water Works, which is authorized to expend from the amount appropriated sums for specified purposes as indicated in the grant budget and incur costs consistent with the award; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to create within the Capital Grant and Aid Projects Fund the appropriate Project/Grant Chartfield Value for this project; and transfer to these accounts the amounts required under the agreement and City accounting policy, but not to exceed a 10% increase of the total amounts reserved for the grantor's share and local share or $5,000, whichever is greater, as follows:
Project I.D. 1060-33-80
Utility Project I.D. 1060-38-49
Zoo Interchange
Phase 1
City Share Non-Assessable Fund Water Works Department
Water Easement 248D - Milwaukee County Zoo
WT410140525 (Budget Line 5010 - $43,900; Budget Line 6410 - $42,000)
Fund 0420
City Share Non-Assessable Fund Water Works Department
Water Easement 826A - W. Chester St. (1000' E/O S. 92nd St.)
WT410140531 (Budget Line 5010 - $1,800; Budget Line 6410 - $4,000)
Fund 0420
City Share Non-Assessable Fund Water Works Department
Water Easement 826B - S. 87th Pl. Ext'd (N/O Freeway Crossing)
WT410140533 (Budget Line 5010 - $7,000; Budget Line 6410 - $7,000)
Fund 0420
City Share Non-Assessable Fund Water Works Department
Water Easement 248A - Hwy.45 Crossing (800' S/O W. Blue Mound Rd.)
WT410140535 (Budget Line 5010 - $3,500; Budget Line 6410 - $5,000)
Fund 0420
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is directed to make periodic payments and invoices as necessary to accommodate the work required for the Zoo Interchange freeway work utility alterations as required under the aforementioned audit agreement.
Department of Public Works
Milwaukee Water Works
Water Engineering Section
Mark J. Scheller
January 14, 2014