Substitute resolution directing the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development to prepare analyses relating to a water service agreement and requesting submission of a report by the City of Franklin.
This resolution initiates the process for evaluating water service requests by neighboring communities in response to a request from the City of Franklin. The resolution directs the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development to prepare analyses relating to the water service requested by Franklin. The resolution further directs the City Clerk to request a written report from the City of Franklin profiling the city.
Whereas, The City of Franklin has requested that the City of Milwaukee enter into negotiations for wholesale water service to the City of Franklin; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee Water Works maintains significant excess capacity and can readily supply water to new customers; and
Whereas, Resolution File Number 080457, adopted by the Common Council on July 30, 2008, establishes the process by which the City may provide drinking water to neighboring communities; and
Whereas, Resolution File Number 080457 provides that negotiation of a potential water service agreement shall not be authorized prior to introduction and adoption of a resolution, requested by the Milwaukee Water Works, directing the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development to perform evaluations and analyses, relating to a proposed water service agreement with the City of Franklin and in accordance with the policy in Resolution File Number 080457; and
Whereas, Resolution File Number 080457 provides further that negotiations of a potential water service agreement shall not be authorized prior to introduction of a communication file by the City Clerk transmitting the analyses provided by the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development for hearing by the appropriate Common Council committee; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that, in accordance with the policies and procedures established in Resolution File Number 080457, the following analyses shall be prepared and submitted in writing to the City Clerk, relating to the application and request by the City of Franklin for wholesale water service from the City of Milwaukee:
1. The Milwaukee Water Works shall prepare and submit a written evaluation of the water service request, including a feasibility analysis of the proposed sale of water, which shall include increased revenue, cost of production, effect on the City's water rates, impact on capacity utilization and any required capital costs, and other information the Milwaukee Water Works deems relevant to the Council's consideration.
2. The Legislative Reference Bureau shall prepare and submit a written report that analyzes and evaluates the following:
a. The reason for the request for water (e.g., whether the request for water is the result of a water shortage, water contamination, public health concerns, drought or some other condition).
b. The economic profile of the community, including tax rate, assessed valuation per capita, median household income, per capita income and median home value.
c. Poverty rates, minority representation and other demographic and community characteristic data it finds to be pertinent.
d. The current status and an analysis of past and future trends relating to the availability of public transportation and affordable housing.
e. The environmental impact of the proposed sale.
f. Other information that the Bureau finds pertinent to the Common Council's consideration of the proposed water service request.
3. The Department of City Development shall prepare and submit to the City Clerk a written report that analyzes and evaluates the following:
a. Whether the water can be used directly or indirectly to facilitate new residential, industrial, retail or commercial development in the community which has applied for water service, and the value of such development and the number of new jobs and residents that such development will generate.
b. Potential negative social and economic impacts on the City of Milwaukee due to lost opportunities for attracting new businesses and jobs to Milwaukee, and the loss of businesses and jobs that exist in Milwaukee.
c. The current land use patterns in the community which has applied for water service and expected trends in land use if Milwaukee provides water to the community.
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Common Council directs all City departments and agencies to cooperate with the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development in providing all necessary information for studies of proposed water service agreements pursuant to this resolution; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Clerk shall prepare and forward a request to the City of Franklin to submit a written report indicating that the community has adopted and implemented:
1. A comprehensive plan pursuant to s. 66.1001, Wis. Stats., and, if the plan has not been completed, indicate the status of the community's compliance with each of the 9 requirements which comprise s. 66.1001 (2), Wis. Stats.
2. A comprehensive housing plan and can demonstrate that the plan has resulted in the creation of affordable housing opportunities that have resulted in racial, age and income diversification, with data on the percentage of population in assisted and affordable housing that is age 30 or less, above age 30 and below age 65, and age 65 and above.
3. A comprehensive public transportation plan and can demonstrate that such plan has resulted in the expansion and improvement of public transportation links between persons living in the City of Milwaukee and job opportunities in the community which has applied for water service.
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Clerk shall introduce a communication file to transmit the written submissions of the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development, together with the report of the City of Franklin, all submissions to be placed with the file not less than 7 working days prior to hearing before the appropriate Common Council committee.
City Attorney
Thomas D. Miller
LRB #170466
Aaron Cadle
December 5, 2017