Substitute resolution relative to the acceptance and funding of the Fiscal Year 2018 Continuum of Care Program from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Milwaukee City and County Continuum of Care.
This resolution allows the City of Milwaukee to accept and fund the planning funds for the FY2018 Continuum of Care Program from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount of $382,747.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee in October, 2012 received eligibility approval from the
U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to serve as the Lead Agency/Collaborative Applicant (CA), for the Continuum of Care funding; and
Whereas, The CoC is recognized by local, state and federal government as the primary decision-making entity of homeless service issues in Milwaukee County; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee CoC area covers the City of Milwaukee, City of West Allis, City of Wauwatosa and the remainder of Milwaukee County; and
Whereas, The Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Availability (NFOA) which establishes the funding criteria for the Continuum of Care Program was released by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on June 20, 2018 for the Fiscal Year 2018 funding; and
Whereas, The amount of $382,747 is available to the City of Milwaukee for Planning; now therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Mayor of the City of Milwaukee is designated as the authorized representative of the City of Milwaukee in connection with all matters relating to the CoC; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City of Milwaukee assures and certifies that it will comply with the regulations, policies guidelines and requirements with respect to the CoC; and be it
Further Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that application to HUD is authorized and the Community Development Grants Administration shall accept this grant without further approval unless the terms of the grant change as indicated in Section 304-81 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized to:
1. Commit Funds within the Project/Grant Parent of the 2020 Special Revenue Grant and Aid Projects Fund, the following amount for the program/project Titled Fiscal Year 2018 Continuum of Care Program:
Project/Grant Fund Org Program BY SubClass Acct
GR0002000000 0150 9990 0001 0000 R999 000600
Project Amount
Grantor Share $382,747
2. Create the necessary Grant and Aid Project/Grant and Project/Grant levels; budget against Project/Grant values and amount required under the grant agreement;
3. Establish the necessary City Share Project values; and, be it
Further Resolved, That these funds are appropriated to the Community Development Grants Administration which is authorized to:
1. Expend from the amount appropriated sums for specified purposes as indicated in the grant budget and incur costs consistent with the award date;
2. Enter into Memorandum of Understanding (MOL) with the Community Based Organizations receiving direct HUD CoC funding to ensure compliance with HUD regulations and timely expenditure of CoC funds; and be it
Further Resolved, That payments for the CoC costs incurred shall be paid in accordance with the approved CoC reimbursement policy based on the approval by the Community Development Grants Administration and the City Comptroller of a Budget Forecast (CDA-
Steve Mahan/Mario Higgins