Substitute 1
Substitute ordinance to further amend the 2006 offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council.
This substitute ordinance makes positions changes to the following departments:
Election Commission, Health Department; Police Department and Port of Milwaukee.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 1 of ordinance File Number 050457 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective September 12, 2006):
Under “Election Commission, Election Service Division”, add twenty positions of “Election Inspector.”
Part 2. Section 1 of ordinance File Number 050457 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under “Health Department, Laboratory Services Division, Virological Division”, delete one position of “Chief Virologist (Y)” and add one position of ”Chief Molecular Scientist (Y).”
Under “Healthy Behaviors and Healthcare Access Division, Preventive Health Grant (I)”, delete one position of “Health Project Coordinator (X)(I)”; under “Disease Control and Prevention Division, Immunization Action Plan Grant (DD)”, delete one position of “Office Assistant (DD) (.5 FTE)” and one position of “Public Health Nurse (G)(X)(DD)”; under “Childhood Immunization Disparities Grant (YY)”, delete one position of “Health Services Assistant II (X)(P)(YY)” and one position of “Public Health Educator II-CID (X)(P)(YY)” and add one position of “Office Assistant II (YY)(.5 FTE)” and one position of “Public Health Nurse (G)(X)(YY)(DD)”; delete the title “Bioterrorism-Focus A Grant (A)” and delete one position of “Public Health Emergency Response Planning Coordinator (X)(A)(P)” and one position of “Telecommunications Analyst-Associate (A)(P)”; add the title “CDC Public Health Preparedness Grant (A)” and add one position of “Public Health Emergency Response Planning Coordinator (X)(A))(P)”; delete to title “Bioterrorism Grant - Focus B (BBB)” and delete one position “Epidemiologist (X)(BBB)”; delete the title “Bioterrorism Grant - Focus CRI (P)” and delete one position “Health Project Coordinator-CRI (P)(X)” and one position of “Public Health Nurse (X)(G)(P)” and delete footnote “(BBB)” in its entirety; add the title “Bioterrorism Grant - Focus CRI/Pandemic Influenza (P)” and add one position of “Epidemiologist (X)(BBB)(DD)(A)”, one position of “Health Project Coordinator-CRI (P)(X)”, one position of “Public Health Nurse (X)(G)(P)”, one position of “Health Promotion and Risk Communication Coordinator (X)(P)(DD)” and one position of “Telecommunications Analyst-Associate (P)” and amend footnote “(P)” to read as follows: “To expire 08/30/07 unless the Bioterrorism Focus CRI/Pandemic Flu Grant is extended. Also partially funds a Public Health Emergency Response Planning Coordinator”; amend footnote “(I)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the Preventive Health Grant is extended. Also partially funds Public Health Nurse”; amend footnote “(J)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the Adolescent Community Health Grant is extended”; amend footnote “(Z)” to read follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the Childhood Lead Detection Grant is extended”; amend footnote “(DD)” as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the Immunization Action Plan Grant is extended. Also partially funds Health Promotion and Risk Communication Coordinator, Public Health Nurse and Epidemiologist”; amend footnote “(KK)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the MBCAP-Well Women Grant is extended”; amend footnote “(A)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the CDC Public Health Preparedness Grant is extended. Public Health Emergency Response Planning Coordinator also partially funded by the Bioterrorism0Focus CRI/Pandemic Influenza Grant. Also partially funds Epidemologist”; amend footnote “(E)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the Comprehensive Home Visiting Grant is extended”; amend footnote “(F)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin Division of Health and Family Services, is extended”; amend footnote “(V)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the SURVNET Grant available from the Wisconsin Division of Health and Family Services, is extended”; amend footnote “(T)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the Tobacco Control Community Coalition II Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin Division of Health and Family Services is extended”; amend footnote “(C )” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the Women, Infants and Children’s Grant, available from the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, is extended.”
Under “Police Department, Administration Services Decision Unit, Communications Division”, delete one position of “Communications Maintenance Manager” and add one position of “Communication Systems Manager”; under “Operations Decision Unit, State Beat Patrol Grant” amend footnote “(S)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/07 unless the State Beat Patrol Program Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin, Office of Justice Assistance is extended.”
Under “Port of Milwaukee, Operations Division”, delete one position of “Port Operations Supervisor (X)” and add one position of “Port Operations Manager (X).”
Part 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Part 4. The provisions of Part 1 of this ordinance are deemed to have been in force and effect from and after September 12, 2006.
The provisions of all other parts of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after the first day of the first pay period following passage and publication.
Part 5. This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
City Clerk's Office