140889, 151082, 161014, 170905, 181724
Substitute resolution approving various agreements relating to the Compete Milwaukee 2020 transitional jobs program.
This resolution enables implementation of the Compete Milwaukee program in 2020, using an organizational structure similar to that of the 2019 program. Compete Milwaukee is a partnership between the City of Milwaukee and workforce development agencies. Compete Milwaukee makes strategic workforce development investments that address the problem of underemployment among Milwaukee residents. The approximately $480,000 in City funding for the Compete Milwaukee 2020 program leverages over $520,000 in State and Federal funding, and consists of the following components:
1. Community Work Partnership - Transitional Jobs. Authorized 2020 Community Development Block Grant funding of $350,000, combined with $130,000 funded in the 2020 Budget and over $520,000 in leveraged non-City State and Federal funds, will provide the funding necessary to place and compensate approximately 73 transitional job placements within City departments (Public Works, Neighborhood Services, Police, and the Port) and City contractor worksites in 2020. The City will partner with UMOS and Employ Milwaukee for these purposes.
2. Career Pathways. Authorized Community Development Block Grant funds will be used to provide the skills training and certification that program participants need to secure permanent, unsubsidized employment in the private sector. The City will contract with Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership/Big Step (WRTP) for these purposes.
3. Employ Milwaukee - Workforce Development Services. Authorized Community Development Block Grant funds will be used to provide workforce development coordination and services, referrals to unsubsidized employment and training opportunities, co-enrollment in federally funded local workforce programs, and post-program outcome tracking for participants. The City will contract with Employ Milwaukee to provide these services in 2020.
4. Career Connection Worksites. City contractors will voluntarily engage with the Compete Milwaukee program and execute an agreement to include Compete Milwaukee young adult participants on contractors’ and subcontractors’ job sites as part of their temporary work experience within the City of Milwaukee. The Career Connection Worksites pilot program will build on prior experience to expose participants to a number of skilled trades and other positions in the city, while building common skills that will serve participants in jobs with both City government and the private sector. City departments (Public Works, Neighborhood Services and the Port) will serve as the predominant and potentially exclusive worksites.
This resolution also approves various agreements between the City and Employ Milwaukee, WRTP, UMOS, and various City contractors for implementation of the Compete Milwaukee program, and authorizes the proper City officials to execute those agreements on behalf of the City. Finally, the resolution authorizes the appropriate City officials to expend the funds necessary to implement the Compete Milwaukee program.
Whereas, According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, the City of Milwaukee’s official unemployment rate was 3.9% in December, 2019, compared to 3.1% in the greater Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis metropolitan area and 3.4% statewide; and
Whereas, The Mayor and Common Council remain committed to implementing innovative solutions for provision of City services and increasing labor force participation; and
Whereas, The transitional job experiences created through Compete Milwaukee leverage funding and partnerships to help Milwaukee residents on their work journey while improving public services; and
Whereas, Hundreds of Milwaukee residents have participated in City-sponsored and managed transitional job opportunities through Compete Milwaukee, resulting in sustained employment and millions of dollars in post-program wages; and
Whereas, The 2020 Adopted Budget provides approximately $130,000 in funding for the Compete Milwaukee program -- a partnership of the City of Milwaukee and workforce development agencies to make strategic workforce development investments that address the problem of underemployment among Milwaukee residents; and
Whereas, The 2020 Budget funds will leverage State and Federal funding, bringing the total value of this investment in Milwaukee jobs to approximately $1 million; and
Whereas, The goals of the Compete Milwaukee transitional jobs program are to:
1. Connect unemployed and underemployed Milwaukeeans with employment opportunities by providing unemployed and underemployed city residents temporary work in a variety of professional disciplines.
2. Provide high-quality job-readiness training, career counseling and, ultimately, referrals to permanent employment opportunities.
; and
Whereas, The Compete Milwaukee program consists of the following components:
1. Community Work Partnership - Transitional Jobs. Authorized 2020 Community Development Block Grant funding of $350,000, combined with $130,000 funded in the 2020 Budget and approximately $520,000 in leveraged non-City State and Federal funds, will provide the funding necessary to place and compensate approximately 73 transitional job placements within City departments (Public Works, Neighborhood Services, Police, and the Port) and City contractor worksites in 2020. The City will partner with UMOS and Employ Milwaukee for these purposes.
2. Career Pathways. Authorized Community Development Block Grant funds will be used to provide the skills training and certification that program participants need to secure permanent, unsubsidized employment in the private sector. The City will contract with Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership/Big Step (WRTP) for these purposes.
3. Employ Milwaukee - Workforce Development Services. Authorized Community Development Block Grant funds will be used to provide workforce development coordination and services, referrals to unsubsidized employment and training, co-enrollment in federally funded local workforce programs, and post-program outcome tracking for participants. The City will contract with Employ Milwaukee to provide these services in 2020.
4. Career Connection Worksites. City contractors will voluntarily engage with the Compete Milwaukee program and execute an agreement to include Compete Milwaukee young adult participants on contractors’ and subcontractors’ job sites as part of their temporary work experience within the City of Milwaukee. The Career Connection Worksites pilot program will build on prior experience to expose participants to a number of skilled trades and other positions in the city, while building common skills that will serve participants in jobs with both City government and the private sector. City departments (Public Works, Neighborhood Services and the Port) will serve as the predominant and potentially exclusive worksites.
; and
Whereas, The Compete Milwaukee program calls for approximately 73 transitional job
participants to be assigned as follows:
1. Approximately 35 participants will be UMOS employees of record. Of those, about 30 participants will be placed in a continuation of the Department of Public Works’ (DPW) transitional jobs partnership with UMOS. These participants will receive job experience, skills acquisition, and meaningful and needed work in several DPW service areas, including but not limited to: water facility maintenance, parking enforcement, administration, street light maintenance, street pavement repair, landscape maintenance, refuse and recycling services. An additional 4 participants will be assigned through UMOS to the Department of Neighborhood Services (DNS) to provide administrative and field staff assistance to the Department’s licensed inspectors and to receive training in property inspection and other related areas. One participant will be assigned to Port Milwaukee through UMOS. This individual will perform general facilities and grounds maintenance work for the Port.
2. Approximately 20 participants will be Employ Milwaukee employees of record and will be assigned to the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) Police Ambassador training and mentorship program. Police Ambassador participants will receive 20 hours of on-the-job training each week, as well as 4 hours per week of classroom instruction and mentoring. The classroom instruction and mentoring will be in areas that complement participants' on-the-job experience, prepare them to apply for and obtain employment, and develop foundational life skills.
3. Approximately 18 participants will be Employ Milwaukee employees of record and will be assigned to DPW, DNS and contractor worksites focusing on general laborer, skilled trades, inspection and select professional positions. These work assignments will provide valuable experience in construction, demolition, abatement and similar activities through supervised temporary work experience with city contractors and contractors’ subcontractors. Employ Milwaukee will also assist in coordinating the work experiences.
; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Common Council supports implementation of the Compete Milwaukee 2020 program; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the following documents, all of which comprise Exhibit A of this file and are necessary for implementation of the Compete Milwaukee program, are approved:
1. Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) Collaborative Host Worksite Agreement (between the City and UMOS).
2. City of Milwaukee Transitional Jobs Program - Collaborative Host Work Site Agreement Addendum (between the City and UMOS).
3. Transform Milwaukee Jobs Supplemental Wage Agreement (between the City and UMOS).
4. Career Pathways Agreement (between the City and WRTP) for Community Work Partnership (UMOS TMJ) participants.
5. Young Adult Work Opportunity Agreement/Worksite Agreement (between MPD and Employ Milwaukee).
6. Young Adult Work Opportunity Agreement/Worksite Agreement (between the City and Employ Milwaukee).
7. Workforce Development Services agreement (between the City and Employ Milwaukee).
8. Career Connection Worksite Agreement (between the City and participating contractors).
9. Career Pathways Agreement (between the City and WRTP) for Young Adult Career Connection Worksite participants.
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the appropriate City officials are authorized to execute documents that are in substantially the same form as the documents in Exhibit A; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the appropriate City officials are authorized to expend the funds necessary to implement the Compete Milwaukee program, as set forth in Exhibit B, including payments to any third-party vendors with which the City may contract for implementation of the program; and, be it
Further Resolved, That City officials and contracted partners shall report to the Common Council by October 31, 2020, on the activities and progress of the Compete Milwaukee transitional jobs program and related agreements described in this resolution.
Dana J. Zelazny