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File #: T363    Version: 0
Type: Travaux Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/30/2024 In control: TRAVAUX INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS
On agenda: 1/9/2025 Final action: 1/9/2025
Effective date:    
Title: Resolution approving a change order to Purchase Order Number HG124216, invitation for quotations, framing and drywall at Highland Gardens, to Dodge & Son’s Builders LLC (Fond Du Lac, WI) in the amount of $192,829.00, bringing the total amount to $292,329.00, not-to-exceed
Sponsors: THE CHAIR
Attachments: 1. Change Order to PO HG124216- Dodge & Son's, 2. Highland Gardens Schedule of Values










The Chair



Resolution approving a change order to Purchase Order Number HG124216, invitation for quotations, framing and drywall at Highland Gardens, to Dodge & Son’s Builders LLC (Fond Du Lac, WI) in the amount of $192,829.00, bringing the total amount to $292,329.00, not-to-exceed





WHEREAS, Travaux Inc. solicited competitive pricing for Framing and Drywall at Highland Gardens and awarded the work to Dodge and Sons Builders LLC, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder; and


WHEREAS, the original award amount of $99,500.00 was under the threshold of $250,000.00 above which approval by the Travaux Inc. Board of Directors is required and, therefore, said award was not presented for approval at the time; and


WHEREAS, during the course of the framing and drywall, additional work beyond the original scope was required, resulting in change order items totaling $192,829.00 not-to-exceed; and


WHEREAS, the new purchase order amount of $292,329.00 not-to-exceed now exceeds the aforementioned $250,000 threshold, and, therefore, requires approval by the Travaux Inc. Board of Directors; therefore, be it,


RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of Travaux Inc. that it hereby authorizes change order items totaling $192,829.00 not-to-exceed to be added to Purchase Order HG124216 with Dodge and Sons Builders LLC for Framing and Drywall at Highland Gardens; and, be it


FURTHER RESOLVED, that funds for these services will come from Highland Gardens Tax Credit Financing; and, be it


FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper officers of Travaux Inc. be and hereby are authorized and directed to properly execute change orders to said purchase order for and on behalf of Travaux Inc.; and, be it


FURTHER RESOLVED, that if any change orders including extensions of the time of performance are needed, the officers of Travaux Inc. may approve such request without any further action of the Board of Directors of Travaux Inc.; and, be it


FURTHER RESOLVED, that all of above is contingent upon receiving the approval of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, if required; and, be it


FURTHER RESOLVED, that all acts previously performed relative to this matter by the Board of Directors of Travaux Inc. be and hereby are approved, ratified, and confirmed in all respects.





Housing Management December 23, 2024