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Type: Historic Preservation Commission
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February 2025

Feb, 2025

PURPOSE: Protect, enhance and perpetuate structures and districts of special architectural character or special historic interest or value which represent or reflect elements of the City's cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history.

COMPOSITION: Seven members, all whom must be City residents for at least one year preceeding appointment. One must be a registered architect. One must be an historian or an architectural historian interested in the field of historic preservation. One must be experienced in real estate development or real estate financing. One must be a Common Council member. In addition, there are three citizen members. All nominees are subject to confirmation by the Common Council. Each member shall have, to the highest extent practicable, a known interest in preservation.

The mayor must nominate members to the historic preservation commission within 90 days of a written notification by the city clerk of a vacancy. Should the mayor not nominate a member within 90 days of notification by the city clerk, the common council president will have 90 days to nominate a member, subject to common council confirmation

All members serve three-year terms.

A member who is not an elected official continues to serve after the completion of his or her term until reappointed or until a successor has been appointed.

Due to the nature of the business conducted by this body, members are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests with the Board of Ethics.

CREATING AUTHORITY:Section 308-81-3 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances.

SALARY: $20 per meeting as reimbursement of expenses

STAFFING: Ms. Linda Elmer, office of the City Clerk, 286-2231, lelmer@milwaukee.gov


LAST UPDATED: October 16, 2024