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Jul, 2024

Composition: The City-County Task Force on Climate and Economic Equity is consists of: 1. A Common Council member appointed by the Common Council President. 2. A Milwaukee County Supervisor appointed by the County Board Chair. 3. A representative of Citizen Action of Wisconsin. 4. A representative of the Wisconsin Climate Table. 5. A representative of the Sierra Club. 6. A representative of Community Advocates Public Policy Institute. 7. A representative of the NAACP. 8. A representative of the Milwaukee Area Labor Council. 9. A representative of Clean Wisconsin. 10. A Youth Council representative appointed by the Common Council President. 11. A community member appointed by the Common Council President. 12. A community member appointed by the County Board Chairman. 13. A representative of the Environmental Collaboration Office. The Task Force shall be co-chaired by the Milwaukee Common Council President or his designee, and the Chairman of the Milwaukee County Board or his designee.

Duties: The City-County Task Force on Climate and Economic Equity is charged with making recommendations on how to reduce community-wide net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 45% by the year 2030 and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, and mitigate racial and income inequity through green jobs. The Task Force shall make recommendations on how to dramatically reduce racial inequality by assuring that greenhouse gas reduction investments and policies will create the maximum number of permanent living wage jobs for people who live in the most impoverished Milwaukee neighborhoods and are currently shut out of economic opportunity. The City-County Task Force on Climate and Economic Equity shall provide the Common Council and the County Board of Supervisors, within 6 months of the date of adoption of this resolution, a comprehensive plan that includes the following: 1. A roadmap of required and measurable governmental actions to accomplish greenhouse gas reduction goals. 2. Suggested policy changes and investments required to simultaneously reduce racial and income inequity, including advice on creating training and/or vocational programs for maximizing the number of Milwaukee “green jobs”. 3. A description of how local governments may be able to assess and map vulnerabilities to climate change by neighborhood and community across the County. 4. A list of outside experts the City and County may contract with for technical expertise to further the goals of the Task Force and write a climate change and economic equity comprehensive plan for the City and County. The City Clerk’s Office shall provide staffing support to the Task Force; and all City departments are directed to support and cooperate with the work of the Task Force on Climate and Economic Equity.

Creation Authority: CC #190445

Last Updated: June 2, 2021