PURPOSE: To study the issue of pay equity in the government of the City of Milwaukee. The report of this task force is due June 20, 2007.
COMPOSITION: Eighteen members, appointed for the duration of the Task Force. One member of the Common Council appointed by the Common Council President; two citizen members appointed by the Common Council President; three citizen members appointed by the Mayor; the president of the YWCA of Greater Milwaukee or his or her designee; the president of the executive board of Milwaukee AFSCME DC 48 or his or her designee; the president of the ALEASP Local 218 or his or her designee; the president of Public Employee's Union Local 61 or his or her designee; president of the Greater Milwaukee Committee or his or her designee; director of the UW-M Center for Economic Development or his or her designee; the executive director of the Women's Fund of the Greater Milwaukee; or his or her designee; the director of the FairVote-Center For Voting and Democracy or his or her designee; the president of the Milwaukee Women's Center or his or her designee; the executive director of the 9-to-5 National Association of Working Women or his or her designee; the chair of the Marquette University Department of Management or his or her designee; and the director of the UW-M Department of Financial Aid or his or her designee.
CREATING AUTHORITY: Resolution 050095 as amended by 060668.
STAFFING: Ms. Terry MacDonald, office of the City Clerk, 286-2233
LAST UPDATED: December 13, 2006