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February 2025

Feb, 2025

PURPOSE AND DUTIES: The purpose of the emerging youth achievement advisory council is to make recommendations to the common council on matters relating to achievement of underrepresented youth including, but not limited to, items relating to the my brother’s keeper initiative, cities united, national league of cities, and the divided communities project. The council shall: a. Create or utilize an existing partnership structure that engages other local government officials, community and faith-based leaders, families, youth, funders, and other stakeholders within the city who are dedicated to improving outcomes for underrepresented youth in the city. b. Strengthen data capacity that supports the city’s efforts to use data to document needs, target resources, assess the effectiveness of strategies and programs, and measure progress in improving life outcomes of the city’s underrepresented youth. c. Develop and advance new policies and practices that are of sufficient scale to generate significant improvements in outcomes for underrepresented youths in areas such as educational attainment, employment opportunities, family strengthening, and the prevention of violence and violence-related deaths. d. Promote an authentic youth civic engagement structure that allows underrepresented youths to be involved in meaningful ways in local planning, policy, and decision-making processes.

COMPOSITION:a. The council shall be composed of the following 11 members, each of whom shall be subject to confirmation by the common council: a-1. The common council president, or his or her designee. a-2. The mayor, or his or her designee. a-3. The commissioner of health, or his or her designee. a-4. A representative of Milwaukee public schools, appointed by the common council president. a-5. A representative of the business community, appointed by the mayor. a-6. A representative of the philanthropic community, appointed by the common council president. a-7. A representative of an institution of higher learning, appointed by the common council president. a-8. A workforce development representative, appointed by the common council president. a-9. A representative of the Milwaukee police department, appointed by the mayor. a-10. A general representative to be appointed by the mayor. a-11. A general representative to be appointed by the common council president. b. The city residency requirements of s. 320-3 shall not apply to any member of the emerging youth achievement advisory council.

TERM OF OFFICE:A. Term. Council members shall serve terms of 3 years, with the first terms beginning October 1, 2024, and expiring September 30, 2027. b. Vacancy. When a vacancy occurs in the council, the appointing authority shall make an appointment within 60 days. A vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.

ORGANIZATION The council shall meet every other month and may meet at such additional times as the council determines or the chair directs. The mayor shall be honorary co-chair of the council; his or her attendance shall not be required. The common council president shall be co-chair of the council. The common council president shall designate a vice-chair.

CREATING AUTHORITY: Common Council File Number 240521.


STAFFING: Ms. Joanna Polanco, 286-2366, jpolan@milwaukee.gov

ANNUAL REPORTS:The council shall submit a written annual report of its activities under this section to the common council and the mayor.

LAST UPDATED: February 20, 2025.